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Five serious incidents of violence in one month:

On Saturday, the police reported two incidents of violence using a knife in Greenland in Oslo.

Around 13.30 one man stabbed in the thigh and taken to hospital.

A few hours later, the police announced on Twitter that several forces had moved to the Greenland camp after a report of a fight between several people. Both knife and ax must have been observed.

– All the time tensions

Saturday’s stabbing episode is the last of a total of four incidents of violence with a knife, as well as a shooting episode, in Greenland in the last month.

Police Inspector Grete Lien Metlid in the Oslo police district says that the police do not currently see any particular increase in the number of violent incidents.

– There have been a moderate number of reports of physical violence in the first quarter, both using knives and firearms. There are always some tensions and conflicts in Oslo that the police are actively working on. There will be incidents of violence from time to time, but the numbers are relatively low, but we are closely following the crime picture, says Metlid.

NOT CONCERNED: Grete Lien Metlid, Head of Intelligence and Investigation (FEE) Oslo Police District. Photo: Rune Blekken / TV 2

An increase in some crime areas as a result of society opening up after the pandemic is expected.

– When we get a greater degree of socialization after a pandemic, we must expect that it also affects crime. The city and the public space are now used more, where different relationships and conflicts are also played out, says Metlid.

No extra effort put in

She believes it is still a relatively calm start to the year, but that there have been a few more serious issues in the public space in recent weeks. Whether the recent incidents of violence in Greenland have any connection, the police can not establish.

– We have not seen any clear connection so far. We are registering some increased tensions recently, but it is too early to draw conclusions, says Metlid.

Several of the incidents have been on the open street. According to Metlid, no extra effort has been made as a result of the incidents of violence, but the police have a continuous priority effort aimed at conflicts and the use of violence, and are working purposefully to solve the cases.

– It is a priority effort in the entire police district against criminal networks, violence and conflicts. We have no special measures right now, beyond a continuous priority of preventing violence and conflict. We can hope that it will be a calm spring ahead, says the police inspector.

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