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Five podcasts to discover | Seronet

The Heart on the Table: love in all its forms

“Because loving yourself is one of the ways to make the revolution. Once a week, an episode to reinvent our romantic relationships, our bonds with our friends, our parents and our lovers ”. It is with these words that Victoire Tuaillon presents Le Cœur sur la table, little brother of the famous podcast on masculinities Les Couilles sur la table. Launched on February 11, 2021, Le Cœur sur la table explores, questions and deconstructs all the ways of loving each other in the form of surveys and interviews. The feminist journalist reflects on new forms of love that are possible today. What is a couple? What does loyalty mean? Can we be happy and single? “We can have great political theories, be an activist, but we have to look at what it does to our lives. Above all, I didn’t want to do a podcast of love advice and personal development, as if it was up to us to change our behavior, but to understand with what system of thoughts, of standards, we reflect on our emotional and love lives ”, declares Victory Tuaillon. To listen on the dedicated site, Spotify ou Apple Podcasts.

Between our lips: intimate about sexualities

In this podcast, Céline and Margaux give their guests a “safe” space for expression to talk about very intimate things around sexuality. Entre nosèvres deals with very varied themes ranging from female orgasm, lack of libido or even sexual violence and sexuality in a serodifferent couple. The animators themselves are lent to this exercise in the first two episodes with modesty, humor and emotion. A podcast on the richness and complexity of sexualities which is good in this area so saving free speech. To listen on the dedicated site, Spotify ou Apple Podcasts.

Enjoy your race: deconstruct racial issues

Why is the word “race” taboo? What about when you are both a victim of racial and sexist discrimination? How to assume one’s plural identity? Every other Tuesday, Rokhaya Diallo and Grace Ly, two journalists who are experts in “racial questions” in France, receive a guest to explore these questions in the mode of conversation and experience. This podcast is a gold mine of information. It is also an opportunity to deconstruct certain racist representations. Each episode is enlightening and often funny too, as the guests reclaim the racism of which they are victims with a great deal of distance and derision. Listen to Spotify, Apple Podcasts or YouTube.

Safe Space: a voice for LGBT + people

Launched in October 2020, Espace Sûr is the latest LGBT + podcast. In each episode, Audrie and Thibault, two friends, ask questions to a guest. From childhood to today, how do you build yourself when you are a lesbian, gay, bi or trans person who evolves in a heteronormous world? The goal of this podcast is to offer a secure platform giving visibility and resonance to these voices. To listen on the dedicated site, Spotify ou Apple Podcasts.

On the verge : male sexualities

The On the Verge podcast is a space for free expression dedicated to male sexualities. Each episode offers a discussion with a man who talks about his intimacy and his sexuality without taboos. Straight, gay, bi, asexual, single, exclusive couple, open couple, libertine, BDSM, etc. All profiles are represented. Each interview is led by Anne-Laure Parmantier, the creator of On The Verge, who succeeds in creating an atmosphere that is both intimate, benevolent and relaxing with her guests. The exchanges are often funny and touching, never vulgar or shameless. To listen on Spotify ou Apple Podcasts.

From voice to paper
The writings remain, the words fly away? Perhaps this is why some podcasts are available in books in order to capture oral testimonies and freeze them on paper. This is the case of the podcast Les Couilles sur la table by Victoire Tuaillon, which became a book of the same name in October 2019 (Éditions Binge Audio). The book synthesizes the 50 episodes of the podcast. More recently, in February 2021, Céline Malvo and Margaux Rol, the two creators of the Between our lips podcast, published an eponymous book (Éditions Michel Lafon). The trick of this collection is not to take the testimonies, one by one, in a linear fashion, but rather to smooth them out throughout the book. The portraits intertwine, respond to each other, and come to life, accompanied by pretty illustrations by artist Alexandria Coe.

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