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Five perfect foods loaded with probiotics

Bacteria have always had a bad rap. We take antibiotics To kill bacterial infections, we wash surfaces with antibacterial products and now we compulsively wash our hands with germ gels. So the idea of ​​adding bacteria to our body on its own initiative sounds more strange than ever in this scenario.

But probiotics are live microorganisms which, when ingested in sufficient quantities, have beneficial effects on health, which goes beyond the conventional nutritional effects. Its name, probiotics, literally means ‘pro-life’, referring to the effects health promoters that have so-called friendly, beneficial or symbiotic bacteria.

Probiotic strains regenerate the intestinal flora, reduce bad breath and flatulence, and help eliminate pathogens and toxins from the digestive tract

Our intestines are home to more than half a thousand different species of microflora and each of them has a different function. The beneficial bacteria that inhabit us help us to keep pathogens at bay, to make the digestion, to absorb nutrients, and contribute to maintaining a healthy immune system.

For our body to function properly we need to wear a healthy diet and that these intestinal bacteria do not lack anything. And this is where probiotics come into play, those good bacteria found in fermented foods, drinks or in supplement form, and that collaborate in maintaining the intestinal balance.

Why are probiotics beneficial

There are many different strains of probiotics and the benefits of each can vary. Some will help us maintain the healthy immune system. For example, one study showed that participants who received probiotics Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium recovered one day before a cold compared to those who took only placebos.

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Research has also linked certain beneficial bacteria to a reduced risk of cancer, stating that the men who consumed two or more servings of yogurt a week they were 19% less likely to develop an adenoma (precancerous cells) of the prostate. And in 2020, researchers from Lancaster University suggested that one of the causes of breast cancer it could be inflammation caused by bad bacteria, and that consuming plain yogurt with beneficial bacteria could inhibit this inflammation.

If we talk about digestive health, probiotic strains can also help relieve symptoms of ulcerative colitis and gases and inflammations typical of irritable bowel syndrome. They regenerate the intestinal flora, reduce the bad breath and flatulence, and help eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins from the digestive tract.

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Bacterial diversity in the intestines has also been linked to mental health, and many studies have linked it to the fact that good intestinal bacteria improve the communications with the brain and promote the creation of serotonin, the neurotransmitter of the hormone of happiness.

Finally, a recent study found that probiotics can help in the weightloss. The response of 100 obese children was analyzed when combining a healthy diet with two specific probiotics. Those who took the probiotics lost more weight and improved their response to insulin, compared to those who only followed the diet and took placebos.

Fermented foods with more probiotics

Fermented foods have been of great importance in the diet of many cultures along the history. Many countries use them in some way also today, we can find probiotics in many natural foods without need to supplementation In day to day.

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Photo: iStock.

The beneficial bacteria are produced thanks to the process of fermentation of food, which acts as a natural preservative and gives food a peculiar acidity.


It is a drink of thick fermented milk and with an acid touch that contains many biactive compounds and has up to 30 different bacteria strains, much more than a simple natural yogurt. Plain yogurt contains good bacteria, but these are transient and they are mainly in charge of keeping the digestive system clean and feeding the bacteria that live there. For its part, kefir can also colonize the intestinal tract. One study found that fermented kefir milk could alleviate symptoms of the syndrome irritable colon, such as discomfort and swelling, as well as increasing the frequency of evacuation. For some lactose intolerant (the natural sugar present in milk), kefir may be more digestible, possibly because lactose breaks down during fermentation. Kefir is also very rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, B vitamins and vitamin K.


It is one of the most historically known probiotics. It comes from central European countries, such as Germany and Poland, and is the product of fermented cabbage and the shall. Salt generates a process called lactic acid fermentation, producing Lactobacillus probiotics as a result. Sauerkraut is a good source of Dietary fiber, as well as vitamins A, C and K; and minerals like potassium, calcium, and phosphorus.

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It is a fermented preparation korean that can be added to stir fry, fried rice and ramen, or eat alone as a side to other dishes. Has a taste salty and spicy. It is prepared from the fermentation of Chinese cabbage, although it can also be made from other vegetables such as radishes or even the handle.

One study highlighted that kimchi had beneficial effects on glucose metabolism in 21 prediabetic patients. Participants consumed two different types of kimchi for 8 weeks, and their intake was associated with a significant decrease in kimchi. body weight, body mass index and waist size. Fermented kimchi was also associated with a decrease in insulin resistance and an increase in insulin resistance. sensitivity to this.


Is a japanese seasoning made from soy beans fermented with salt and koji, a fungus that contains a probiotic strain called Aspergillus oryzae. Science has shown that this strain can reduce symptoms linked to digestive problems.

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Photo: iStock.

Also, miso is a condiment rich in essential mineralsas well as a good source of vitamins B, E, K, and folic acid. Its flavor, texture and color varies depending on the exact ingredients it contains, which may include barley, rice or ginger in some cases. He white miso (shiro miso) tends to be sweeter to taste and is very well diluted in soups or broths and in salad dressings, while the red miso it has a more salty and intense flavor, more suitable for stews and marinades.


It’s a drink slightly fizzy and sour, which is achieved by adding specific bacterial strains, yeast, and a small amount of sugar to the green tea or black tea. During fermentation a layer is created with mushroom-like texture, which can be used to ferment new kombucha. The process breaks down the sugar in the tea, producing that acetic acid, with small traces of alcohol and gases that turn the drink carbonated. In addition to being an important source of probiotics, it is very rich in antioxidants.

The balance of our microbiota can be affected by our rhythm of life, stress situations, by drugs, due to illness or poor diet. To maintain intestinal health and the balance of our beneficial bacteria, it is also recommended consume daily natural foods, as little processed as possible, with healthy recipes and a physical exercise routine. All this will stimulate the growth and activity of this intestinal flora.

Cristina Román is a journalist specialized in Nutrition from the Institute For Optimum Nutrition in London and editor of the website I Am Bio.

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