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Five modern blues songs you absolutely must listen to

Spring is 100% blues! Created a century ago on the banks of the Mississippi, this style has conquered the planet. And even if it seems to be in retreat for a few years, the blues is still alive, as evidenced by these five songs from albums released recently or to come.

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1. The Black Keys

The American duo are back with an incredible cover album, Delta Kream, which will be released on May 14. The first piece, Crawling Kingsnake, is a historical piece taken from the repertoire of the greatest, from John Lee Hooker to The Doors. Respect.

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2. Cedric Burnside

He learned the blues at the source, with his grandfather, the legendary RL Burnside. Grammy nominated Cedric Burnside will release his new album, the superb I Be trying, June 25. In the meantime, here is the first single, Step in.

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3. Archie Lee Hooker

Another one who learned the blues directly from the greats. And there, it is even a giant: John Lee Hooker, his uncle. But Archie Lee, at 72 spring, practices a more “modern” style than his prestigious ancestor. Living in a memory harmoniously blends classic blues with funk and soul. Addictive !

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4. Popa Chubby

With his new album, Tinfoil hat, the American guitarist, now in his sixties, tries to set the madness of the contemporary world to music. And he does it with his usual eccentricity.

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5. Grant Haua

We have to admit it. No one in France knew this rough-and-tumble New Zealand singer. But that was before the release this winter of This is the place, an album with sounds that Bruce Springsteen would not deny.

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