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Five in the team | Friedberg

Friedberg(pm). Alexia Anders, Julia Cellarius, Markus Fenske, Rudi Mewes and Karl Moch form the new board team of the local association of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen Friedberg. With the enlargement of the board of directors from three to five members, the local association is reacting to the rapidly increasing number of members and their interest in wanting to become active themselves and initiate changes, according to a press release by the Greens.

A new member who has been elected to the board is the owner of the newly opened bulk store, Alexia Anders. She says: “With my active and optimistic nature, I want to work primarily for the development of the inner city area. A sensible use of the building of the former Joh department store and the expansion of Kaiserstrasse as part of an overall concept for the inner city must be achieved as quickly as possible.”

Lots of women on
front seats

For Julia Cellarius, social worker in the youth sector, it is “absolutely important that we can engage and inspire more younger women and men in active politics.” The main focus of the board’s activities is currently the preparation of the elections for the city parliament and the local advisory councils in March 2021, for which it has been possible to win many members and especially many women for the top list places.

Rudi Mewes and Karl Moch continue to work on the board. Mewes has been deputy chairman of the Kernstadt local council since January and finds it worthwhile to stand up for a liveable Friedberg in an intact ecological, economic and social environment.

Solidarity over
Pandemic out

Because of the corona pandemic and the resulting burdens, social injustices and cracks in social cohesion threaten to deepen. Here the Greens feel obliged to give special help to those who have suffered most from the pandemic and the protective measures.

“We have to start making Friedberg fit for the future instead of just administering it! The lockdown has shown that the pandemic can only be overcome without great sacrifice if we act in solidarity. But we also have to strike new paths in order to prevent it that the state of emergency will become the norm. We cannot continue with the destruction of our eco-systems “, warns attorney Markus Fenske, who is the youngest but longest-serving member of the magistrate who brings his political experience to the new board.

“We have to see that the way out of the crisis through a comprehensive socio-ecological transformation can only be done together. To do this, we need appropriate activities in administration, parliament, companies, agriculture, social institutions, associations, churches and civil society and with the citizens. We Greens want to play an important role in this. Also in ensuring that as many funds as possible from the state aid programs to Friedberg flow into sustainable, social and environmentally friendly infrastructure and projects, “explains graduate business economist and board member Karl Moch.

Train station design
and wind power

Greens are also involved in working groups and also in urban initiatives. The offer of cooperation is also aimed at non-members. This year the Natur-AG undertook a forest inspection in the Winterstein area in order to prove the necessities and possibilities for a large wind farm and to discuss measures to prevent forest death. The Verkehrs-AG is working on new concepts for climate-friendly mobility with the redesign of the Friedberger Bahnhof as a focus. The social working group is currently working on its future focus areas.

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