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Five ideas for spiritual retreats to do in the north and west of France

► Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer Abbey

In the Côtes-d’Armor, the abbey of Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer invites you to enter a “house that takes its time”. In a true spirit of welcome, the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception receive all those who wish to withdraw from the world to better return to it, alone or in a group.

They are supported by lay people, who allow them to make hospitality and social reality coincide: the place adapts to people with disabilities, and spiritual retreats are also offered to a non-religious public. A spiritual, cultural and creative program is offered throughout the year to meet the expectations of all retreatants.

Site internet : www.abbaye-st-jacut.com

► Courset Charity Home

A few kilometers from the sea, in a large park of about twenty hectares, in the north of France (Pas-de-Calais), the Foyer de Charité de Courset offers various courses for experiencing a spiritual retreat. The former 18th century manor where he settled offers a space conducive to contemplation. The Foyers de Charité bring together baptized men and women living in community with a priest. Committed for life, they share a life of family, prayer and work at the service of all those they welcome. Spiritual paths are suitable for children if parents wish to take a time of retreat, hiking retreats and worksite retreats are also organized for young people who would like to experience this time of rest for the soul differently.

Information : www.foyer-charite-courset.fr/le-foyer-et-la-communaute/

► Abbey of Saint-Martin de Mondaye

The community of canons regular of the order of Prémontré organizes retreats at the Abbey of Saint-Martin de Mondaye, in the heart of the Normandy countryside, in Calvados. The typically Norman green setting, the calm, the silence and the benevolence of the community are favorable conditions for a time of retreat, a recollection, a serene session, a stay of rest or revision. Individuals or families, men or women, adults or teenagers, all are welcome. During this stay, spiritual accompaniment, a meeting with a brother or even a preaching of retreat are possible. Every year, on June 6, the community remembers the Allied soldiers who died during the Normandy landings.

Site internet : www.mondaye.com

► Reception center of Île-Blanche

Between sea and greenery, space and silence, the Île-Blanche guest house (Finistère) offers an ideal setting for a spiritual retreat. The congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, a resident chaplain and a team of ten lay people make this house a haven of tranquility and a place of renewal open to all.

Courses are organized regularly and allow outside preachers – Franciscans, Dominicans, Jesuits, etc. – to intervene during teaching sessions for couples, singles, parents, grandparents… recognition of the dignity of everyone, regardless of their social origin, age, beliefs, spiritual sensitivity, as well as the quality of welcome marked by simplicity, benevolence and attentiveness are values ​​dear to the guests of this home.

Information : www.ile-blanche-locquirec.fr/

► Notre-Dame de Bellefontaine Abbey

A few kilometers north of Cholet (Maine-et-Loire), in the middle of the countryside, visitors and retreatants are invited to enter the Notre-Dame de Bellefontaine abbey through a large granite portal, surmounted by a virgin in prayer who seems to welcome them. The hotel wants to offer anyone in spiritual search a climate of silence, solitude, peace: essential conditions to promote interiority, contemplation and union with God. The Cistercian monks thus offer a healing not only of the body, but also of the soul. Each guest can join in the prayer of the community and ask for personal accompaniment by one of them.

Site internet : www.bellefontaine-abbaye.com/

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