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Five exercises to lose weight, tone your arms and eliminate sagging


One of the biggest problems we face as we get older, from a physical and aesthetic point of view, is the flaccidity of the arms. It does not matter that we are totally sedentary people or that we do sports in a more or less habitual way: eliminating flabby arms is really difficult and complicated and that undermines our confidence.

Because it is not easy to end that skin that hangs from the arms and that, in many cases, makes us dress in a certain way. The fact of not wanting to see ourselves in the mirror or not wanting other people to be able to see that part of our physiognomy often leads us to dress in longer sleeves than we would like, especially in the summer season.

Ana Durá

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Flaccidity in the arms tends to be generated, mainly, for two reasons: on the one hand, an increase in body fat mass together with a loss of muscle mass in the arms; on the other, the reduction of the elasticity of the skin that usually has to do both with age and with solar radiation. But there is good news: eliminating sagging arms is possible.

How to eliminate sagging

But to get it you have to take it seriously. If we want to lose that extra fat accumulated in the arms, we must lose weight and do a series of exercises aimed at working the muscles of the arms. And, best of all, you don’t need to join a gym: we can do it all at home with a series of recommended workouts.

Exercise is vital to eliminate flaccidity in the arms, but it must be focused on certain muscles

The first exercise is to do triceps dips. It is a very effective exercise to remove fat from the arms and can be done with several levels, as we can see in the video. To make the training easier, we stand with our backs to a bench or chair, we place our legs parallel to each other, making the shape of a chair and we descend until we reach our buttocks almost to the ground and forming a right angle with our arms.

When we have mastered this way of work the tricepsWe can move on to the second phase, in which we will do the same, but with our legs a little further from the chair or bench that we are using to hold on. Finally, in phase three, the work is the same, but holding us on our heels, in such a way that it is a little harder to complete the exercise.

Another formula to eliminate sagging is make circles with your arms while standing. It is a very simple exercise that consists of putting the arms horizontally, without bending the elbows, and drawing circles between them. It is about making circles with a very small amplitude to do many repetitions in a short time. Then we repeat the exercise, but backwards.

Exercises to eliminate sagging

Another good exercise to eliminate sagging arms is the knee push-ups. It is very simple to do, although it is important to follow some tips: we should not bend or elevate our backs, but keep them straight. Also, it is better that the hands are placed at the height of the shoulders so that the triceps do more work than the pecs.

The fourth exercise is irons with arms movement. It is about placing the body in the plank position, then alternately touching each hand with its leg. It is a posture that is difficult to maintain for people who have not done much sport in their life, so it is important to do it little by little and gradually increase the repetitions.

The last trick to remove fat from the arms is a little easier than the previous ones, but even more effective. Is about get on and off on the plates: we place ourselves on the floor resting our hands and toes on the mat: from there we are placing in the position of the table on the elbows, to return later to the original position. As in the previous case, you have to gradually increase the repetitions.

Reducing the fat accumulated in the arms is not easy, but eliminate sagging with these five exercises it will be a little easier. Doing them daily will only take a few minutes and will allow us to show splendid arms in the summer that is just around the corner, which will allow us to dress in the clothes that we like the most, without fear of displaying any part of our body.

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