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Five countries made announcement on MH17 anniversary

Seven years have passed since the tragedy

Seven years ago, a Malaysian Airlines passenger liner with 298 people on board was shot down over Donbas.

The Foreign Ministers of Ukraine, Australia, Belgium, Malaysia and the Netherlands, in a statement on the anniversary of the downing of the MH17 passenger flight on July 17, 2014 over Donbas, stressed the need to establish the truth in this case.

“Our thoughts remain with those who died on board, with their families and loved ones. It is imperative for us to remain unwavering in our commitment to truth, justice and accountability,” the statement said.

The parties noted “the importance of maintaining commitment to the establishment of truth and justice.”

“We are grateful for the cooperation of the relevant investigating authorities and reaffirm our full support for their efforts to establish the true causes of what happened,” the message says.

In addition, “the ministers expressed confidence in the independent, open and impartial prosecution of the alleged perpetrators.”

On the eve of Prosecutor General Irina Venediktova made a statement on the eve of the anniversary of the downing of flight MH17 over Donbass. She spoke about the progress of the investigation into the disaster, as well as the trial in the case, which is taking place in the Netherlands.

Let us remind you that at the beginning of July the court in the Hague suspended the hearing in the case of MH17. The judges are planning to resume the hearings in early September.

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