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Fitness Fair Fibo Expects Thousands of Visitors in Cologne

Health – Cologne:Fitness fair Fibo expects thousands of visitors

The Fibo logo can be seen on the Fibo. Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa/Archive (Photo: dpa)

Directly from the dpa news channel

Cologne (dpa) – Between functional clothing, fitness equipment and sports drinks: The Cologne fitness fair Fibo will again be presenting tips and trends from the fitness industry from Thursday (9 a.m.). The first two days, only trade visitors are admitted, Saturday and Sunday the Cologne exhibition halls are then also open to the general public. Among other things, visitors can try out devices, do workouts under the guidance of a trainer or go through an obstacle course.

This year, the focus is particularly on the young target group: The industry is dealing with what motivates the so-called Generation Z to exercise, the organizers announced in advance. The fair is also increasingly including the topics of gaming and e-sports in the program. Both the importance of fitness training and nutrition for professional e-athletes and gaming offers for amateur athletes will be discussed.

Fibo claims to be the world’s largest trade fair for fitness, wellness and health. According to the organizers, more than 51,000 visitors came last year after a Corona break. In 2019, the number was 145,000 visitors.

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