Recent research shows that a quarter of English women and one in ten middle-aged men are ‘fit but fat’, meaning they are obese according to their BMI but do not experience health complications such as high blood sugar, high cholesterol or high blood pressure , writes The Times.
The term “fit but fat” is sometimes referred to as metabolically healthy obesity (MHO).
There is a growing body of research suggesting that people who are fit but fat have a lower risk of developing certain chronic conditions, such as heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, than people who are overweight or obese and inactive. There is almost certainly an increased risk of some types of cancer and wear and tear of the joints.
Where fat is stored is also very important. The Researcher: “Obese people who have fat stored in the abdominal cavity or around their organs (such as the liver) are much more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who store fat more evenly around their body.”
2023-10-04 04:55:14
#Fit #fat #exists #healthy #obesity