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Fishermen caught “huge Dongpo meat”, and experts were terrified – ancient gods

International Center / Reported by Xu Jiahui

Treasures can be found not only in the soil, but also in the sea! A Chinese fisherman went fishing in April this year and accidentally caught a piece of “Huge Dongpo Meat”. It was smooth and tender to the touch and felt like a piece of meat or a stone. The fishermen didn’t know what it was, so they put it out, Little did they know this piece of “Huge Dongpo Meat” turned out to be bigger! After the identification, it was discovered that it was a highly prized “Ganoderma lucidum for meat”.

According to Chinese media reports, a fisherman from Jiangsu Province, China went fishing in April this year and caught a piece of “huge Dongpo meat” weighing 25 kilograms in the sea, describing l ‘unknown object as very soft and cuddly to the touch. Smooth, looks like a piece of meat and a stone, very strange. After picking it up, I didn’t know what it was, so I put it in a plastic bucket on the fishing boat and ignored it. I didn’t expect this “huge Dongpo meat” to increase from 25kg to 30kg after 6 months. ‘was rot at all, which astounded the fisherman and his friends.

A fisherman from Yimin, Jiangsu caught “Huge Dongpo Meat”, which turned out to be a very valuable “Ganoderma lucidum”. (Image / flip from Weibo)

To find out what this “huge Dongpo meat” is, the fishermen and their friends cut off a small piece and sent it to marine biologists for identification. Jiangsu Marine Fisheries Research Institute staff said they having received “the huge Dongpo meat” After slicing the pork, it was found to be an extremely rare “Ganoderma meat”, also known as “Tai Sui” in the people.

It is understood that Ganoderma lucidum is an ancient mythical creature. People believe that he is the incarnation of God Taisui. Qin Shihuang sent people to search for this “elixir of life” three times, which is an object containing bacteria, slime molds or fungi. There are still many controversies in the field of biology. According to experts from the China Taisui Collection Association, due to of the large differences between individuals of compound slime molds, for safety reasons, it is recommended to focus on collection and research, and not eat easily.

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