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Fiscus is opposed to splitting | Interior

Collected unions vent their anger in a letter to the CDA minister. At the start of this year, he launched the proposal to “unbundle” the Tax Authorities. The tax department, allowances and customs departments must be dismantled, each with their own responsible senior official.

But the employees of the Tax and Customs Administration believe that Hoekstra does not explain at all how this division will help to solve the problems with allowances. Former State Secretary Snel (Finance) was killed by those problems in the childcare allowance affair. “This letter does not make clear how strengthening management is going to solve the problems in the implementation of allowances,” write the trade unions.

Mouth death

The unions speak of “political decision-making” and are disappointed that employees have not been able to talk about the split plans. “Knowing that employees have been feeling unheard of for years, you are once again passing through the way you take the vote of employees into account in your decision,” the letter says.

The employees of the Tax and Customs Administration also put a package of wishes on the table in the letter. Among other things, they want more people with tax knowledge to be at the top of the service and ask for a safe working environment.

Worries about reorganization

Tax authorities are not alone in their criticism of the division of the tax authorities. In the House of Representatives, opposition and coalition, there were also some question marks. The new State Secretary Vijlbrief, one of the two successors to Snel, is now allowed to consider the reorganization.

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