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First Xbox Easter egg discovered after 20 years

Console still has at least one big secret hidden since its launch

O Xbox original will turn 20 in November 2021 and to commemorate the Microsoft, and some people involved in the design of the console, are talking and revealing some secrets about the device. One of these revelations was given by one of the console’s developers, who revealed an easter egg that was hidden for 20 years.

The dev, who was not identified, contacted the portal Kotaku to reveal how to access the secret, which was really well kept in the system Xbox. According to him, the easter egg was really so well hidden that he “really didn’t expect it to be found, unless the source code leaked or someone reverse-engineered the Dashboard”.

The activation and the secret is the same as the famous “> ”, Which showed a credits screen after the user names a CD extraction audio with that title. However, this process is a little different: it is necessary to write “Timmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!” with exactly 26 Ys.

Credits: Reproduction / Microsoft

Because of this name it is possible to understand why no one has discovered it yet, but why do you want to do it today: the portal Kotaku warns that it is only necessary to write the Ys until the entire text field is completed, after that, replace the last letter with an exclamation point.

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But unlike EggsBox, the new revealed Easter egg doesn’t work right away. The user must wait for the music CD to be completely extracted and, after that, access the “System Information” folder, which will display the credits of the developers of the Xbox Dashboard.

“I decided to share it now because 20 years have passed and I thought it would be cool if people knew that it really exists. I know that a lot of sites like to track that kind of thing, and everyone on that list no longer works for Microsoft. ”
– The developer stated for Kotaku.

Another detail raised by the report is that at least one other easter egg from the console is still hidden. That’s because in 2017 Seamus Blackley, known as “father of Xbox”, Published on his twitter that a secret had not yet been revealed. He confirmed that this new secret was not what he was referring to in the tweet.

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Blackley confirmed fan theories that the easter egg is activated during the boot animation of the Xbox but didn’t talk about how to activate it. In addition, he confirmed that he did not know about the existence of “Timmyyyy …!”, Leaving a doubt about the amount of secrets that the console has that few people know.

Source: Kotaku, Engadget

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