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First Time, Space Storm Detected at Arctic

Suara.com – Tim scientist international reporting findings weather phenomenon a new kind of space. For the first time, storms have been detected in Earth’s upper atmosphere.

In research published in Nature Communications, experts say that plasma that looks like a hurricane or hurricane was detected over the polar regions of the Earth.

Storms are a common feature on the planets of the solar system. As the particles rise or fall, a zone of low pressure can form and storms appear around them.

Tropical storms in the Earth’s lower atmosphere occur in this way. Experts say it turns out that electrically charged particles in the ionosphere can behave in the same way.

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In the new study, the researchers reanalyzed data from August 2014. The new analysis shows the presence of a swirling plasma structure 1,000 kilometers long, located hundreds of kilometers above. Arctic Pole.

Space storm accelerates electrons down toward Earth, increasing the northern light in the region, which is also a cyclone.

The process of space storms detected at the Arctic. [Nature Communication]

The plasma, which looks like a strange aurora, occurred on August 20, 2014 and lasted about eight hours.

The events occurred during a period of very calm geomagnetic conditions and were closer to the magnetic North Pole.

“Until this research was proven, we didn’t even know that outer space plasma storms existed. So proving this with striking observations is extraordinary,” said Professor Mike Lockwood, space scientist at the University of Reading, as quoted from IFL Science, Friday (5/3/2021).

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Data from several satellites as well as simulations suggest that a calm period around Earth’s magnetosphere is likely to cause this event.

When Earth’s magnetic field lines are not disturbed, it creates a channel structure just above the magnetic poles, channeling electric particles from the solar wind directly into the upper and middle atmosphere.

This is an important insight because human telecommunications networks are affected by space weather in two ways.

Events like large solar storms can disrupt satellites and the like. On another scale, there is a continuous flux of particles emanating from the Sun that is slowly but surely eroding the technology in outer space.

The process of space storms detected at the Arctic. [Nature Communication]
The process of space storms detected at the Arctic. [Nature Communication]

The findings suggest that humans should not underestimate the extraterrestrial weather, even during calmer periods.

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