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First thunderstorms, then heat again: The weather in Germany in the next few days – panorama – society

© Peter Gercke/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

4:08 p.m. today

Tobias Mayer

Temperature records just fell, then the weather allowed a breather. Now there are thunderstorms and a hot Monday.

On Wednesday, July 20th, record temperature values ​​were measured in several federal states. It was the hottest day of the year so far. 40 degrees Celsius and more were reached in Hamburg and Saxony-Anhalt, among other places.

The weather cooled down on Thursday. After a comparatively mild and dry Friday, rain is expected to spread in the south-west in the evening, on Saturday night the south and east of Germany in particular should be affected.

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Possible severe weather on Saturday

Especially in parts of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg threaten Thunderstorm with severe weather potential. Temperatures are expected to rise again this weekend.

After a rainy Saturday, Sunday should be followed by lots of sunshine across the country, with temperatures ranging from 20 degrees on Rügen to 34 degrees on the Upper Rhine. At the Monday should be the next hot day imminent.

Peak values ​​around 40 degrees are currently not to be expected. But on a large scale should be 36 degrees on Monday in Germany be reached. In In Lower Franconia and in the Rhine-Main area, it can be up to 37 degrees getting hot.

These temperatures can put a strain on the circulatory system and are harmful to some people’s health.

Hot Monday: It’s supposed to be the hottest in these big cities:

  • Leipzig, Halle, Magdeburg: 36 degrees
  • Nuremberg, Würzburg, Heilbronn: 36 degrees
  • Berlin: 35 degrees
  • Frankfurt: 35 City
  • Munich: 34 degrees
  • Stuttgart: 34 Grad
It's getting hot again in Germany.  Photo: IMAGO/IlluPics


It’s getting hot again in Germany.
© IMAGO/IlluPics

Ab Monday afternoon thunderstorms coming from the west predicted. A little all-clear for everyone who is struggling with the heat: From Temperatures are expected to rise to between 25 and 29 degrees on Tuesday cooling down.

Brief cooling, then hot again

As of Thursday, however, one will be out France coming heat front expected, the weekend is likely to be hot and dry.

[Lesen Sie auch: So steht es um Straßen, Schienen und Co.: Die extreme Hitze ist ein Stresstest für die Infrastruktur (T+)]

There can be no question of a cooling off in the annual trend either. It looks like the Summer 2022 will be as hot and dry as the record summers of 2018 and 2019. 2021 was the eleventh consecutive year that was too warm for Germany.

Heat waves are increasing

In Europe, the frequency and intensity of heat waves are increasing faster than in almost any other region of the world because of man-made global warming, the New York Times quotes climate experts as saying.

In the heat, forests catch fire more easily. On the most recent heat record day, several forests burned in Brandenburg, there had been fires before.

Fires are currently being reported from France, Spain, Portugal and Italy, among others.

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