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First there, then gone again!

A urinal hangs on a tree in the parking lot at the Rauher Stich near a busy road in Horb am Neckar. dpa/Heinrich Raible

First it was there, then gone again: A yellow urinal on a tree in a forest parking lot near Horb am Neckar continues to fuel speculation and inspire imagination. Signs against wild pissers, memorials against illegal waste disposal, works of art or just a joke after a night of drinking – why was it placed there and who is behind it? And why was it gone again by the end of the week?

Only those who tied the object with a rope to the tree near a busy road between Horb and Freudenstadt can say with certainty.

dpa / Silas stone

Parts of a destroyed urinal later lie around the parking lot.

The urinal was discovered three weeks ago by local historian Heinrich Raible. He doesn’t rule out that originally it was just going to be dumped in the parking lot. “The place is known as a dumping ground, because a lot is disposed of illegally,” he said on request. The parking lot is also used as a pee spot. Raible photographed the curious object and made it a local celebrity. Newspapers and Südwestrundfunk reported and the urinal was also a topic in letters to the editor.

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