Löb Rico Löb / Adobe Stock
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Freiburg (ots) –
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On Monday, January 23, 2023, at around 2:20 p.m., the fire brigade was notified of a fire in a warehouse in a recycling plant on Bukheinstrasse. There should be recycling waste in the warehouse. The fire brigade is currently busy putting out the fire. The location of the fire has been cordoned off over a wide area. There is no danger to the population or the environment. However, windows and doors in the affected area should be kept closed due to an odor nuisance. So far no one has been injured. It will be reported.
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Media inquiries please contact:
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Thomas Batzel Freiburg Police Headquarters Press Office Telephone: 07621 / 176-351 [email protected]
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– Outside office hours – email: [email protected]
Original content from: Freiburg Police Headquarters