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First Pink Saturday in Friesland: ‘Very special’

Today, Pink Saturday is celebrated for the first time in Leeuwarden. It is a first for Friesland and a special day for the Frisian LGBTI community. The first Pink Saturday was celebrated in 1978.

Attention is drawn to awareness and acceptance of sexual and gender diversity in all sorts of ways. Earlier today there was a boat parade through the canals of Leeuwarden and a church service. There are also several parties in the city.

“Today is a big party to celebrate who we are, the differences and similarities. But we also remember that the rights are not yet completely equal for everyone,” says program coordinator Eva van Netten. She is proud that the event is now in Leeuwarden. “That’s very special, I’m proud of that. In Friesland there is really still a lot to be achieved in the field of rights for queer people, visibility and uniting the community.”

Make it negotiable

It is also a special day for television maker Sipke Jan Bousema. “It’s the first time that we celebrate Pink Saturday so big,” he tells Omrop Fryslân. “A lot has changed in the city in recent decades, according to Bousema. “About forty years ago there was a demonstration here that was shattered by the riot police. There was not yet a wreath with a pink ribbon in the Prinsentuin. Now we are supported by the government and the police, and there is attention in the media.”

But according to Bousema, not everyone feels safe in Friesland yet. He therefore thinks it is important that sexual identity is discussed so that it becomes normal for everyone. “It is still special for some people in Friesland. But I also want to be able to give my boyfriend a kiss, just like with straight couples, when I experience a special moment.”

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