Michael Cepic, Managing Director of NADA Austria; Nikola Staritz, FairPlay Initiative at VIDC; Vice Chancellor and Minister of Sports Werner Kogler; Claudia Koller, Managing Director 100% Sport; Severin Moritzer, Managing Director of Play Fair Code; Viktoria Mall, moderation.
Photo: BMKÖS/HBF/Daniel Trippolt
As part of the first “Integrity Day” of Austrian sport, the new “Good Governance” funding program of the Federal Ministry of Art, Culture, Public Service and Sport (BMKÖS) was presented in the Haus des Sports on November 21, 2023. The aim of the funding program is to raise awareness of all nationwide funding recipients from the Ministry of Sports (BMKÖS), the umbrella and specialist associations and Austria-wide sports organizations for the topics of good governance and compliance.
The event was organized by the Federal Ministry of Art, Culture, Public Service and Sport (BMKÖS) and the four sports organizations that strive for integrity in sport: NADA Austria, Play Fair Code, 100% Sport, Initiative FairPlay.
Vice Chancellor and Sports Minister Werner Kogler:
“Sport is a role model when it comes to integrity and fairness. There is still enough to do. Particular attention was paid to this during this government period in particular. With the founding of the umbrella brand IRIS, institutions for respect and safety in sport, and the associated creation of a The importance of our own center was emphasized. The common thread is fair behavior, personally, bilaterally or between organizations. It is our job to bring out the better in ourselves and society and to push back the negative.
Good governance is primarily about preventive concepts. That’s why this funding program asks very carefully about transparency, democratic processes, separation of powers and control. The questions are about concepts against abuse of power and sexual harassment, for equality and anti-discrimination or sustainability in sport.
From 2024 to 2026, the program relies heavily on financial incentives and additional funding. 500,000 euros are available for this annually, a total of 1.5 million euros. After this transition phase, the funding requirements will be increasingly adjusted.”
Questionnaire about “Good governance” for sports institutions
The approximately 70 sports institutions have until the end of February 2024 the opportunity to use the questionnaire to check to what extent they meet the requirements of good governance and compliance in ten categories.
Requirements Good Governance – Ten categories
- transparency
- democratic processes
- Representation and participation
- Separation of powers and control
- Code of Conduct and Conflicts of Interest
- Complaints and appeals
- Equality and anti-discrimination
- Child and violence protection
- sustainability
- Integrity.
Each category is divided into eight to twelve questions. Bundes-Sport GmbH will review the results and carry out checks using a points system and create a ranking.
Incentive system – extra funding for professional associations
If the results are good enough, the specialist associations have the opportunity to receive additional funding in the form of an incentive system.
In order to create equal opportunities, the 60 professional associations were divided into three groups according to size (measured in funding). The top 5 per group receive extra funding of 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10,000 euros.
In addition, two special prizes of 10,000 and 5,000 euros will be awarded per category for those professional associations that were able to achieve the full number of points for most of the principles.
A total of 500,000 euros is available annually. Up to 21 specialist associations can benefit from extra funding per test cycle; an additional funding amount of up to 60,000 euros can be achieved per specialist association.
Seal of quality for associations and sports organizations
In addition to the bonuses, all associations and sports organizations have the opportunity to receive a seal of quality when they reach a certain benchmark.
- “Good Practice in Good Governance“
The certificate is awarded from 67 out of 100 points. - “Best Practice in Good Governance“
The certificate is awarded from 90 points out of 100 points.
2023-11-27 14:49:25
#Integrity #Day #Austrian #sport