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First Images of Main Region of Milky Way, Black Hole M87, and Supernova Remnants Released at Zhongguancun Forum in Beijing

The first images, released at the Zhongguancun Forum in Beijing, show several celestial objectsincluding the main region of the Milky Way, the supermassive black hole M87 and the remnants of a supernova, state broadcaster CCTV said today.

Among the eleven images released, which show objects near the center of the Milky Way, the supermassive black hole M87 and supernova remnants, 17 new x-rays and 168 stellar flares stand out. .

Launched in January this year, the probe is equipped with two X-ray telescopes: a wide field telescope (WXT) and a scanning telescope (FXT).

See the pictures

This combination allows you to make shots over large areas while focusing on specific high-resolution events.

The ability (of the Einstein probe) to observe almost the entire night sky in about five hours with high sensitivity makes it an ideal tool for detecting invisible X-ray events.“, said ESA project scientist Erik Kuulkers, quoted by CCTV.

A tweet from ESA on social network X shows a bit of what the inspector will be able to tell

Einstein Probe is an international collaborative project led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, with the participation of the European Space Agency (ESA).from the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany and the National Center for Space Studies in France.

This project builds on China’s recent space achievements, including landings Review 4 beyond the moon, exploring Mars and building his own space station, Tiangong.

China’s space appetite continues to grow, with potential Tiangong to be the only operational space stationif the International Space Station is, as planned, removed in 2030.

2024-04-29 06:13:11
#images #Einstein #probe #show #black #hole #supernova #remnant #Xray

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