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First home bonus, requested from 24 June for under 36 mortgages

The decree law 73/2021, published in the Official Gazette on Tuesday 25 May, established that the applications to obtain the first home bonus for young people under 36 can be forwarded from 24 June until 30 June 2022.

The previous text of the decree, approved by the Council of Ministers, provided that requests could be presented starting from the effective date of the provision, therefore Wednesday 26 May. Now it has been decided which questions to get the State guarantee on 80% of the principal amount of the first home loan must be submitted from the thirtieth day after the entry into force of the Sostegni bis decree, then from June 24, to give banks and managers time to adapt the contracts and forms to the new provisions.

First home bonus, what is it

The measure contained in the Dl Support bis provides that even young people who have not yet turned 36, who proceed with the purchase of their first home and have an ISEE that does not exceed 40 thousand euros per year, even without a permanent employment contract, can access the Guarantee Fund on mortgages for the first home, effectively obtaining a loan from the bank for an amount equal to 80% of the house price guaranteed by the state. The state clears the taxes on the sale, both when this occurs from a private individual or from a construction company.

First home bonus for under 36, how it works

For those who buy from a private individual, the benefit consists inzeroing of registration, mortgage and cadastral taxes (the stamp duty, mortgage taxes and special cadastral taxes remain to be paid, for a total of 320 euros).

Instead, for those who buy from a company (i.e. in sales subject to VAT) registration, mortgage and land registry taxes will not be paid; Here too, the stamp duty, mortgage taxes and cadastral taxes (320 euros) remain to be paid. VAT must be paid to the seller, but the buyer accrues a (non-refundable) tax credit to spend:

  • to pay registration, mortgage, land registry, inheritance and donation taxes due on deeds and reports submitted after the credit acquisition date;
  • to pay the personal income tax due on the basis of the tax return to be submitted after the date of purchase;
  • to compensate sums due as withholding taxes, social security or welfare contributions or premiums for insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases.

In addition to the tax discount on the deed of sale, the new legislation for under 36 also provides for concessions on the taxes to be paid on the mortgage. In particular you will not have to pay the substitute tax and the registration, mortgage and stamp duties.

First home bonus for young people, conditions for the tax benefit

In order to access the tax benefit it is necessary to present the conditions envisaged for the so-called first home bonus. Then:

  • it is not necessary to own other properties, wherever they are located, previously received with this bonus. Otherwise they will have to be sold;
  • if you are the owner, even for shares, of a house in the same municipality as the one to be purchased, this will be sold within 1 year of the deed. Therefore it is necessary move their residence within 18 months of the deed in the Municipality where the property to be purchased is located;
  • the home must not be luxurious, ie stacked in categories A / 8 and A79;

In the specific case of the first home bonus for young people, it is necessary to have a income requirement. In particular:

  • there must be a Isee less than 40 thousand euros. The concession should also be applicable to purchases made by two people included in two different ISEE, which are each for an amount of less than 40 thousand euros, but together for a higher amount;
  • if one of the purchasers has the requisites and another purchaser lacks them, the benefit is applied only to the part of the taxable value referable to the purchaser with the requisites;
  • the benefit is reserved only for “subjects who they have not yet turned thirty-six years of age in the year in which the deed is notarized “.

A textual reading leads us to believe that those who stipulate in 2021 must turn 36 from 2022 onwards and those who stipulate in 2022 must complete them from 2023 onwards. Thus, if Tizio stipulates in June 2021 and turns 36 in December 2021 he would not have the benefit, while those who stipulate in December 2021 and turn 36 in January 2022 would have it.

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