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First Face-to-face with the Taliban Honest and Professional


WASHINGTON United States of America (USA) on Sunday (10/10/2021), declared a face-to-face meeting with Taliban in Doha is honest and professional. It was the first meeting of officials from the two sides since the hardliners seized power in China Afghanistan last August.

A US State Department statement said the Washington delegation in weekend talks in Doha, Qatar, focused on issues of security, terrorism and the safe evacuation of US citizens, other foreign nationals and Afghans.

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In addition, the two sides also discussed human rights issues, including women’s participation in all aspects of Afghan society.

The U.S. and the Taliban further discussed American humanitarian aid to the Afghan people.

“The discussions were honest and professional with the US delegation who reiterated that the Taliban will be judged for its actions, not just its words,” the State Department statement was quoted as saying. Reuters, Monday (11/10/2021).

On Saturday last week, an acting Afghan foreign minister told Al Jazeera that Taliban representatives asked the United States to lift the freeze on Afghanistan’s central bank assets.

Government official Joe Biden told Reuters that the US delegation would pressure the Taliban to release kidnapped US citizen Mark Frerichs. Another top priority is maintaining the Taliban’s commitment not to allow Afghanistan to become a hotbed for al-Qaeda or other extremists.

The Taliban took power again in Afghanistan 20 years after they were ousted in the US-led invasion for refusing to hand over al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden following the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.

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