Home » today » Sport » First Division: Spanish Union vs Italian Audax Date 4 – 2024-03-06 18:32:19

First Division: Spanish Union vs Italian Audax Date 4 – 2024-03-06 18:32:19

The General Director of Carabineros, Ricardo Yáñez, led this Tuesday in the town of Gultro, commune of Olivar, the inauguration of the new GOPE offices, the delivery of vehicles for communes in the region and the official announcement of the creation of the OS -9, section specialized in highly complex crimes.

On the occasion, there was also the presence of the Undersecretary of Crime Prevention, Eduardo Vergara, who maintained that the police infrastructure fulfills a State commitment and points to the dignity of police workers, who require conditions and spaces to carry out their work. job. He added that the inauguration of the GOPE becomes a work of State, recognizing that in the region there is a regional government with a sense of higher good, which is security, and that has allowed progress to be made on issues that have not been done in other regions. was able to move forward, recognizing the work of the General Director of Carabineros, since he has had a vision of projecting the institution and filling the gaps that existed.

For his part, the Governor, Pablo Silva, recalled that work is currently underway on the prompt delivery of another 20 police vehicles, as well as 40 vehicles will be delivered to the municipalities that will allow mixed patrols with police.

On the occasion, the mayor of the host commune, Olivar, María Estrella Montero, took advantage of the opportunity to request the arrival of new police officers for her commune, since there are only six police officers in the Tenencia. She provided some crime variation numbers that supported her request, taking into account that it is a commune with 15 thousand inhabitants.

In his speech, the General Director of Carabineros, Ricardo Yáñez, maintained that the challenges that recent times have imposed on them force them to make changes, to innovate and, particularly to those who have the obligation to make decisions, to propose challenges to improve their capabilities.

He highlighted the good news for the region, with the only headquarters in Chile for the GOPE, which will house officials who are willing to give their all, since currently crime has become more violent and all the specialized units to operate require of the support of the GOPE, who make the first intervention to secure the perimeters where work must be done. It should be noted that this new GOPE headquarters replaces an old and precarious infrastructure, which was located in the same place.


A second milestone, added by General Yáñez, is related to the regional criminal reality, very different from what was accustomed, which forces them as police officers to have different capabilities to confront them. That is why it was decided to create the O-S9 section for the region, which will allow for specialized methodological work to combat organized crime and strengthen the investigative role, needs that, according to the General, demand it. “The capabilities that existed in the region, although it is true, partially met the needs, we had to have a unit that was much more prepared, more specialized, with greater competencies and, with different profiles of those who make up this unit. It is going to be a much more coordinated work with the Public Ministry,” said the General.

He added that as Director General he considered it necessary to create this specialized section, which will allow coordinated work with the Regional Prosecutor’s Office and, an exclusive work of police officers, to develop greater criminal analysis, joint and collaborative work that will allow for better results.

Added to this is the delivery of vehicles for different communes, according to the territorial realities of each of the units. On the occasion, 15 vehicles were delivered, which will be destined for the Diego Portales Subpolice Station in Rancagua, Olivar, Requínoa, Peumo, Las Cabras, Retén Millahue, Quinta de Tilcoco, Pichilemu, Retén Placilla, Tenencia de Carreteras Colchagua, Chimbarongo, Nancagua and , Santa Cruz.

The Regional Prosecutor, Emiliano Arias, was also present, who indicated that the implementation of OS-9 in the region is relevant, since there was no functional specialized team, so they worked with the specialized unit in Santiago. Being able to count on unity in the region will allow working with criminal phenomena that interest the region, seeking an analysis of criminal phenomena, which are increasingly serious.

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