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First deceased with coronavirus in Euskadi | Radio Bilbao

An 82-year-old man with chronic diseases died this Wednesday in Bizkaia with coronavirus, the first death recorded in the Basque Country from this epidemic and the second in the whole of Spain.

The Basque Department of Health has announced the death of this man who had pneumonia and whose positive for coronavirus has been confirmed this Wednesday morning.

The Basque Country has registered 4 new cases of COVID-19 in the last hours, bringing the number of positives in this community to 21; specifically there are 16 in Álava -3 more than those recorded this morning-, 2 in Gipuzkoa and 3 in Bizkaia -1 more than those announced at noon by the Basque Minister of Health, Nekane Murga.

Of the 21 positives, 7 people are hospitalized and one woman is in the Intensive Care Unit. The other 14 remain in home follow-up.

This is the second death from this disease that is recorded in Spain after the confirmation on Tuesday that a patient who died on February 13 in Valencia and who also suffered from severe pneumonia of unknown origin after having traveled to Nepal died with coronavirus, as confirmed by retrospective investigation.

The Basque Department of Health has specified that in Álava, whose capital Vitoria concentrates the greatest number of cases, almost all originating from the Txagorritxu hospital, three new infections have been added in the last few hours, so there are already 16 people infected. Of the total, 5 remain hospitalized.

In Gipuzkoa There are no news regarding the update of data this morning: 2 positive cases, one of them admitted to a hospital center.

In Bizkaia A new case of coronavirus has been added to the two reported so far. Precisely this last notification has been that of an elderly man, with chronic diseases, who is the one who has died after testing positive.

In this territory, one person remains hospitalized and the other is followed up at home.

Until this morning 250 people were isolated in their homes under follow-up for having had contact with infected people. Of these, around a hundred are health professionals.

This Thursday the Interdepartmental Table of the Basque Government will meet for the third time, chaired by the Lehendakari, Inigo UrkuLlu, to analyze the evolution of the disease and later the Department of Health will update the information

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