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First day of school for son Conte: “A student like many others”

of Roberta Lanzara

First day of school for the premier’s son Giuseppe Conte. The prime minister, however, expected by journalists at the entrance, did not show up. The boy would have started on the first day at the Col di Lana state middle school in Rome. The premier’s son “is a student like any other. I didn’t even know he was at Col di Lana”, the comment to Adnkronos of Paola Geremia, technology professor and digital animator of the school, waiting for the first ring of the bell at the Roman school in the Prati district.

“I think the president wants to stay in the background for the protection of the child. There are roles that do not allow you to exercise parenthood with the freedom that one would like”, he then commented to Adnkronos. Carla Costetti, the principal of the state middle school attended by the son of Prime Minister Conte who today “has kept a very low profile as always, not appearing. He is a dad”.

“We have had children of well-known personalities such as Zingaretti, D’Alema and many others who have always known how to carve out the moment to be close to their children and not make them feel different from the others. Everyone has always been fathers at school”, he said. the principal continued, adding: “Today I don’t know if Conte accompanied his son who has regularly entered school, but if I had met him I would have simply said ‘Good morning'”.

On the state of the school’s recovery, principal Costetti said that “the difficulties are linked to having to keep up with the changes and in our case it is a question of reorganizing 1500 pupils”. “If each of us does our duty and maintains certain attention we can go on well”, added the principal.

“We do not feel left alone by the state but it is a complicated phase. We must all collaborate and strive in the same direction to try to move forward”, explains Costetti, who today welcomed the third-grade boys at the entrance for the first day from school since the lockdown and in recent days he had written a letter to the families highlighting the criticalities of the return, underlining among other things the importance “of educating children to a new rule: distancing”.

“We are living in an evolving situation and we have to keep up with the change between pupils and teachers – continued the head teacher talking to journalists after the last group entered the school – If everyone does what they should and keeps certain attention you can go on well “. To this end, “respect for distancing will be essential and will be the new rule of life to be learned at school in order to educate on health and safety”.

As for the desks, “we received a stock of 750 single-seaters that we bought as a school with government money – he said – We asked about another 500 in Arcuri but they haven’t arrived yet”. The masks? “We have a stock of 14 thousand. But they should make two deliveries a week”.

The children of Col di Lana, part of the IC Parco della Vittoria which has about 1500 students, entered the school in a row, respecting the rules of distancing, wearing masks brought from home. Then inside they received the surgical one provided by the school.

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