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First day at work after vacation: How to get back to work

Reading time: 6 min

dialog += ‘


dialog += ‘


dialog += ‘

‘ + stringizeQuota(quota) + ‘

function stringizeQuota(q) {
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$(‘#article_social_’ + pos + ‘ .article_share_dialog’).html(‘article_share:share_sent, article_share:quota: ‘ + quo).slideDown(‘fast’);
function openShareCreatedDialog(pos, link) {
var res = link.split(‘|’);
var quo = stringizeQuota(res.shift());
var link = res.join(‘|’); // if any
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$me.find(‘.quota’).html(quo + ‘
article_share:link_lifespan’); } // $(‘body’).on(‘click’, ‘#a_letter_to_the_editor’, function() { $(‘#letter_to_the_editor’).slideToggle(‘fast’); }); });

July and August are the most popular vacation months. But as nice as the vacation may be, returning to work is difficult for many employees: their inbox is overflowing, there are gaps in information, there may be different structures or new colleagues. With this guide, we want to make the transition from vacation to everyday work easier for you – with expert tips from Jens Usebach, specialist lawyer for labor law.

Checklist from DWN: How to structure your first day after your vacation. (Photo: istockphoto/ fizkes)

Photo: fizkes

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