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First coronavirus case confirmed in Germany, second European country with infected record

The first case of contamination in Germany was announced on Monday evening by the Bavarian Ministry of Health.

“A man from the Starnberg region has been infected with the new coronavirus” and “is under medical surveillance and in isolation,” a ministry spokesman said in a statement.

The patient is “clinically in good condition,” said the spokesman without giving details. The patient’s family members were informed of the symptoms that may appear in case of the disease, as well as of the hygiene precautions that they should take.

The ministry gave no indication as to who the patient is or the circumstances in which he may have been infected with the coronavirus.

Germany becomes the second country in Europe with confirmation of the presence of the coronavirus, after three cases in France, confirmed last week. The first repatriation of a French citizen who is in China was scheduled for Thursday.

Several countries are preparing, with authorization from the Beijing government, the withdrawal, by plane, of citizens living in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

The director general of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, says he is confident that China has the ability to control and contain the spread of the new coronavirus. Statements that arise after a meeting with the Beijing authorities.

The new director approved the measures taken so far to combat the outbreak, said Xinhua, the Chinese state news agency.

According to Xinhua, the WHO director says there is no need to remove foreigners who are in China and called for calm.

Portuguese in Wuhan “are healthy”

The Directorate-General for Health ensures that the Portuguese living in the so-called epicenter of the coronavirus are doing well.
The general director of Health, Graça Freitas, said on Monday that the Portuguese living in Wuhan, the Chinese city where the new coronavirus originates, “are healthy” and health protocols are planned for an eventual withdrawal of these citizens, as a “precaution”.

In addition to mainland China, cases of infection have also been reported in Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, United States, Singapore, Vietnam, Nepal, Malaysia, France, Germany, Australia and Canada.

China has sent nearly 6,000 doctors from across the country to Hubei province, where the city of Wuhan is located, to reinforce the fight against the new coronavirus outbreak.

A total of 4,130 doctors, integrated into 30 teams, have arrived and started working, said Jiao Yahui, a head of the National Health Commission, during a press conference in Beijing, adding that another 1,800 will arrive by the end of the day. today.

The first teams were sent from Shanghai city and Guangdong province on Friday.

Chinese officials have admitted that the virus’s ability to spread has been strengthened.

Infected people can transmit the disease during the incubation period, which takes between one day and two weeks, without the virus being detected.

The government has decided to extend the Lunar New Year holiday period, which was due to end on Thursday, to try to limit population movement.

The Wuhan region is under quarantine, a situation that affects 56 million people.

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