Home » today » Business » First contours of deconfinement, Trump calls for rebellion, 500 million for Fnac-Darty, disappearance of actor Philippe Nahon … What to remember from the news of this weekend

First contours of deconfinement, Trump calls for rebellion, 500 million for Fnac-Darty, disappearance of actor Philippe Nahon … What to remember from the news of this weekend

In France

Advertisement. The French will not find not immediately and probably not for a long time their life before the coronavirus crisis, warned Edouard Philippe by presenting the big rules which should lead to deconfinement from May 11. Here is the detail. In addition, a little earlier, Director General of Health Jérôme Salomon announced that the coronavirus epidemic has killed at least 19,718 people in France since the beginning of March, or 395 more in 24 hours. However, the number of hospitalized and intensive care patients continues to decline slowly.

Ready. French distribution group Fnac Darty announced Sunday that it has obtained a loan of 500 million euros, 70% of which is guaranteed by the state, for “secure group liquidity“And”prepare to resume activitiesAffected by the Covid-19 epidemic. This is “the first that the French State grants to a large French company“, Said Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire quoted in a press release. To read.

Marine. The crew of the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle was probably infected with the new coronavirus during the ship’s stopover in Brest, said the Chief of the Defense Staff on Sunday. Almost two-thirds of the carrier’s crew, 1,046 out of 1,760 sailors, tested positive, but the source of the contamination remains an enigma.

Multinational company. Amazon’s French websites will remain closed for two more days, until Wednesday inclusive, the US online business giant said on Sunday, hoping to get the legal lifting of the business restriction on Tuesday.

Budget. Faced with coronavirus and “the economic emergency“, The National Assembly voted on the night of Saturday to Sunday a new budget with considerably heavier expenses, between support for businesses, aid for the poorest and premium for carers.

Municipal.Realism leads“For the second round of municipal elections to take place”surely after summer“, And not on June 21, as envisaged for a time, announced Sunday the Minister of Cohesion of the territories Jacqueline Gourault.

Job. Physiotherapists can exercise their care remotely by video transmission under certain conditions, according to a decree published Saturday in the Official Journal, which supplements that of March 23 implementing measures to organize the health system in the face of the Covid-19 epidemic. .

Masks. Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo (PS) said Sunday that 500,000 masks would be available at the end of April for Parisians, one of the City’s measures to fight the Covid-19 epidemic and support the deconfinement of the capital from May 11.

Disappearance. The actor Philippe Nahon died this Sunday morning at 82 years old. He was the favorite actor of Gaspar Noé in his first films with resounding violence, Carne and Alone against all.

In the world

Call. US President Donald Trump called for a rebellion against containment on Saturday, causing dismay as his country has become the world’s primary focus of the coronavirus pandemic with nearly a quarter of the 154,000 deaths worldwide. New York, the epicenter of the epidemic in the United States, has started for the first time a curve “descendingSaid Governor Andrew Cuomo on Sunday.

Wuhan. The Chinese laboratory pointed out by American media as a possible source of the new coronavirus has categorically denied any responsibility for the Covid-19 pandemic, despite doubts expressed by Western countries and new threats by President Donald Trump against Beijing.

Balance sheets. Spain has registered 410 deaths from the new coronavirus in the past 24 hours, up from 565 the day before, the lowest daily toll in nearly a month, the Health Ministry said on Sunday. On the British side, the government announced on Sunday 596 additional deaths in hospital of patients affected by the new coronavirus, which brings to more than 16,000 the total number of deaths due to the virus in the country, one of the most affected in Europe.

Studies. New York doctors treating patients with Covid-19 increasingly observe that with fever, cough and shortness of breath, another symptom appears: some are confused, to the point of not knowing where they are are, nor what is the current year.


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