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First confirmed corona case in Eastern Switzerland: The virus was detected in a St.Gallen woman

A woman from St.Gallen tested positive for the corona virus. She is in good health and is being looked after by the St. Gallen Cantonal Hospital, according to a cantonal statement. The woman spent a few days in Milan at the end of February.

A St.Gallen woman tested positive for the corona virus.

Icon image: Freshfocus

(stm) The State Chancellery of St.Gallen announced early Wednesday morning that one person in the canton of St.Gallen had been diagnosed with the corona virus. The person is looked after by the cantonal hospital. The woman shows slight symptoms such as a runny nose, but is in good health. Hospitalization is not necessary. However, the woman had to stay at home until 48 hours after the end of symptoms and a total of ten days. You have received instructions on behavior.

Wife was in Milan

The woman spent three days in Milan from February 21 to 23, 2020. Shortly after her return, she showed slight symptoms and did the right thing: «She stayed at home, called the doctor over the phone and was asked to take a smear. This has now turned out to be positive, »writes the canton. The second laboratory result of the reference laboratory for viral diseases (NAVI) in Geneva is still pending.

Contact persons in quarantine

“The cantonal medical office has ordered people who live with the woman in the same household and other close contacts for 14 days in quarantine,” the canton said.

Quarantine means that the affected person must stay at home during the incubation period of 14 days and must not have close contact with other people. This step can curb any transmission of the virus. As in the current case, quarantine is used as a precautionary measure for people who are currently not showing symptoms of a disease.

The population should comply with hygiene measures

The message goes on to say:

“The first confirmed case in the canton of St.Gallen does not change the medical assessment of the situation by the cantonal medical office.”

The risk assessment remains the same. The population does not have to worry more. But she should Hygiene measures consistently comply.

Today at 9:30 a.m., the St.Gallen government reports on the first corona case in the canton. The media conference will be streamed live on Facebook from 9.30 a.m. We also report live from the courtyard cellar in the government building.

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