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“First cases of transmission from young people to parents and grandparents”

Francesco Vaia, health director of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani, revealed of first cases of coronavirus transmission from young people to parents and grandparents

Coronavirus, the expert Go

The medical director ofNational Institute for infectious diseases Lorenzo Spallanzani, Francesco Wow, gave an interview to the microphones of the Corriere della Sera in which he took stock of the epidemic and revealed some not very comforting news.

“You begin to see who are the first cases of young people who are infecting parents and grandparents. In this phase of the epidemic, the risk is hidden within the family “. A few months ago, at the beginning of the phenomenon, young people seemed to be almost immune from the infection but now “This virus is showing us that it makes no distinctions”.

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Italian coronavirus

In this, so to speak ‘eventful’, the average age of the infected is lowering. As stated by the expert “The virus is using children, especially those who attend the nightlife or who return from holidays, to use them as vectors of the disease”.

What is most feared is that “Most of the time we are asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic. People think they are fine, but unknowingly they are infected and even those around them become infected, making those who love themselves sick “. The best measure is compliance with the anti-contagion rules, otherwise a serious risk to public health can occur. “Behaving badly means endangering the lives of loved ones. Parental responsibility at this stage plays a key role. Parents pay attention to their children ”.

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