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First bike professor wants to use momentum from Corona – Baden-Württemberg

Karlsruhe (dpa / lsw) – In the corona pandemic, many have switched to bicycles – Angela Francke (41) wants to use the momentum to promote cycling in the country. The first professor for cycling in Baden-Württemberg sees great potential in the positive experiences that have been made with the inexpensive and environmentally friendly means of transport in lockdown. But even regardless of Corona, the number of cyclists is increasing. “For this we need a coherent and growing infrastructure,” said the transport scientist at the German Press Agency when she took office on March 1st.

The cycling professorship at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences – Technology and Economics is one of seven professorships for cycling that are funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport with up to 400,000 euros annually. It builds on the existing traffic system management course. Bachelor graduates from a wide variety of disciplines can study cycling. “In the coming years we will create an offer here that is open to various bachelor degrees,” says Francke. The target is around 15 master’s students per year. In the past few years, Francke worked as a research assistant at the professorship for traffic psychology at the Technical University of Dresden.

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