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First American election results announced | Abroad

Polling stations opened at midnight in the two villages near the Canadian border, which have kept the tradition going since 1960 despite the coronavirus pandemic.

Dixville Notch, a town with twelve inhabitants, was the first to report the result of the presidential election on Tuesday morning: all five voters voted for Joe Biden.

The small village in the northeast of the US has been the first to go to the polls since 1960. Immediately at midnight, when the ballot box opens, the handful of voters will cast their votes. The votes are then immediately counted and the battle is over in a matter of minutes. In 2016, Hillary Clinton received the majority of the eight votes to be distributed.

New Hampshire state law allows municipalities with fewer than 100 residents to open their polling stations at midnight and close them once all voters have voted. Most polling stations on the east coast open on Tuesdays around 6 a.m. or 7 a.m. local time (12 a.m. or 1 p.m. Dutch time).

Due to the corona pandemic, nearly 100 million people in the US have already voted in advance by mail this year.

America will go to the polls on Tuesday and the tensions in the country are clearly felt. For example, in large cities buildings are boarded up for fear of disturbances. Correspondent Jan Postma talks about the atmosphere.

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