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First aid competition, there’s the sprint

The road is now downhill. And now the sprint has begun to ensure that the new recruits – even if in decidedly lower numbers than expected – can begin their new assignments by the summer. Having put aside the disappointment due to the low participation (out of 363 permanent contracts, in fact, 157 candidates came forward and of these, after the first analyses, only 119 were found suitable for the tender), the regional “competition” for the The hiring of new doctors for the emergency rooms of the entire “Terra Felix” reaches a turning point. The ASL Salernothe health company identified by Palazzo Santa Lucia to carry out the selections, in recent hours has appointed the commission that will have to evaluate the candidates: the presidency of the evaluation group went to Pietro Di Cicco, head of the Admission and Emergency Medicine and Surgery Unit of the “San Leonardo” in Castellammare di Stabia.

As a drawn component, however, Giovanna Esposito of the ASL Salerno (Carmine La Marca dell’Asl Napoli 3 Sud is the substitute) while the member designated by the Campania Region is the doctor Filomena Liccardi of “Cardarelli” by Napoli (substitute Giuliano Fabio Numis of the ASL Napoli 2 Nord). The administrative collaborator of the Human Resources Management Unit of the company in via Nizza was appointed as secretary, Carlo Correa.

The working group thus constituted, therefore, will now have to evaluate the 119 doctors candidates for permanent contracts for the emergency emergency units throughout Campania. The appointment of the commission, therefore, starts what will be a real sprint to ensure that these reinforcements come into service as early as next summer. The hottest months of the year, in fact, are also the most complicated for managing Campania emergency room, suffering – since time immemorial – from a shortage of staff which often puts healthcare at risk, creating traffic jams and overcrowding in local facilities. A situation which, in the summer, becomes even more complicated given the “discovery” even greater number of staff due to holidays and the simultaneous presence of a greater number of people in the area, particularly in tourist locations. A sprint, therefore, to reinforce the increasingly “trenched” wards of the Campania emergency rooms as soon as possible.

#aid #competition #sprint
– 2024-04-08 21:54:34

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