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Firm support from the Legislature for AMLO’s decision to break relations with Ecuador

Mexico City. The plenary session of the Senate of the Republic issued a statement of “strong condemnation” of the raid by Ecuadorian police forces at the Mexican embassy in Quito, the humiliation of diplomatic personnel and of “firm support” for the decision of the Andrés government Manuel López Obrador to break relations and go to international bodies, given that it is “an act of legitimate defense of national sovereignty and dignity.”

The statement was given with the endorsement of all political forces, although from the tribune legislators of the PAN, a plural group, and the former PRI member and former chancellor Claudia Ruíz Massieu maintained that there was responsibility on the part of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and warned that an analysis must be carried out. in depth of the foreign policy followed by his government.

“Ecuador crossed all lines, it transgressed international law,” however, “the actions of both governments were reckless and thoughtless,” highlighted Ruíz Massieu, while speaking on behalf of the PAN, Senator Alejandra Reynoso even made a call to López Obrador to “allow diplomatic crises to be provoked”, since in his opinion the response of the president of Ecuador was due to the statements of the Mexican federal executive in relation to the electoral process in the South American country.

The senator from Morena, Imelda Castro, deplored that some opponents “moved by hatred, by their aversion to President López Obrador and the 4T movement, refuse to see the unacceptable” of the raid on the Mexican embassy, ​​and “give it the “back” to the Mexican government, since the aggression stemmed from Ecuador’s decision to forcibly remove former vice president Jorge Glas, who had been granted asylum.

He highlighted that until yesterday 29 countries and nine international organizations condemned the raid on the Mexican embassy in Quito, he highlighted.

When speaking on behalf of the PRI, Senator Beatriz Paredes, unreservedly supported the Senate’s position and highlighted that “the defense of constitutional principles in matters of foreign policy, among them that of national sovereignty, is crucial.” “That is why it is a state policy and that is how we demand that it be exercised.”

Senator Paredes added: “This erratic and failed act by the government of Ecuador puts regional multirateralism to the test.”

During the session, led by the president of that chamber, Ana Lilia Rivera, the video was broadcast with the incursion of the Ecuadorian police forces into the embassy and all the legislators standing – with the exception of the PAN member Lilly Téllez – applauded for a minute to diplomats.

In the statement, “the grievances and humiliations that Minister Roberto Canseco Martínez, career diplomat and head of the Mexican mission in Ecuador, suffered by the Ecuadorian security forces when defending the integrity of the Mexican embassy and the National sovereignty.

The Senate also highlights that “both the breaking of diplomatic relations with the Republic of Ecuador and the determination of the government of Mexico to initiate contentious proceedings before the International Court of Justice to denounce the transgression of the inviolability of our diplomatic mission in Quito and the principle of extraterritoriality, are measures both necessary and proportional to the seriousness of the events, which firmly supports both decisions as an act of legitimate defense of national sovereignty and dignity, as well as international law.

The Senate reiterated to the Ecuadorian people its greatest respect, deference, desire for well-being and a good life as an expression consistent with the feelings of the Mexican nation” and expressed its wishes “that the bilateral dialogue be resumed in the short time with the intention of find a fair and peaceful solution to this sensitive dispute.”

Deputies ask to guarantee the integrity of the former vice president of Ecuador, Jorge Glas

With the support of all parties, the Chamber of Deputies expressed its strong condemnation of the invasion of the Ecuadorian security forces into the Mexican embassy, ​​and demanded that the authorities of that country “guarantee without delay the integrity” of the former vice president. Jorge Glas.

In addition to recognizing the rejection of the international community to “this act that seriously violates the fundamental norms of peaceful coexistence between countries, undermining the pillars of democracy,” the chamber considered “crucial to categorically reject any forceful action.” in international relations.

The statement by the Chamber’s Board of Directors was approved after the groups expressed their repudiation of “the invasion of the embassy and the violation of Mexico’s sovereignty,” as well as the attack on the staff of the diplomatic headquarters.

To the criticism of the PAN for the political refuge of Glas, the president of the Culture Commission, Carlos Ortiz Tejeda (Morena), responded: “On the other side there cannot be asylum, because they have no need; On that side are the scoundrels, the tyrants and, above all, the multi-millionaires. Where are your recent politicians going to seek asylum? Why don’t we see former presidents here on the streets? Because they are hidden in Spain, where they live as what they would like to be, like princes! Is Felipe Calderón coming here on vacation?”

He accused that from the right “the worst is defended” and to the cries of Calderón’s niece, Mariana Gómez del Campo, the legislator, exclaimed: “How did Maximiliano come to govern Mexico? For the Board of Notables, his great-great-grandparents, his choznos. Let’s not treat them badly now, the people of Mexico will treat them badly in less than two months.”

PRI representative Sofía Carvajal Isunza stressed that her party will always close ranks in favor of Mexico and against any act that threatens the integrity of the country.

He highlighted that the tricolor condemns and disapproves of the Ecuadorian government’s assault on the Mexican embassy and asked the plenary session for a strong applause for the head of the Foreign Ministry’s Foreign Ministry, “for having fiercely defended the embassy headquarters. I recognize his patriotism and bravery in confronting an armed group whose abusive use of force has already been exhibited. All our recognition and gratitude. “Mexico needs more officials like him.”

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– 2024-04-13 19:24:57

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