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Firm preparation 2021: Information now also on Instagram and online information evening

The company team is currently inviting the young people to prepare for the company in 2021. In order to be able to reach the young people better and to be able to transmit important information quickly, a new approach is being taken. An Instagram account has been set up in keeping with age, which fits well into the corporate world. Most young people are active through this medium and can access it through cell phones and computers. Information and impulses can be sent with videos and photos, comments and questions can be inserted. Instagram is a low-threshold offer. The company preparation account is freely available and open to all interested parties.

The idea for an Instagram appearance came to two young adults, Damian Bednarczyk and Joshua Keggenhoff, who are themselves involved in company preparation. After pastoral advisor Dominik Potthast was convinced of the added value of Instagram, the account was created and is now activated.

Instagram name: firmung.stmargareta.wadersloh | External link: www.instagram.com/firmung.stmargareta.wadersloh

Contact person: Damian Bednarczyk, email: [email protected]

On Wednesday, January 27, there will be an online information evening for young people at 7 p.m. Parents are welcome to join in. The link will be published here on our homepage and on Instagram soon! Please also note our special page for confirmation 2021.

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