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Firm! Najwa Shihab Responds to Amien Rais’ Accusations About Cawe-Cawe 2024 Election on the Mahfud MD Team

WARTAKOTALIVE.COM, JAKARTA – Anti-corruption activist and journalist Najwa Shihab answered Amien Rais’ criticism of the Legal Reform Acceleration Team formed by Mahfud MD.

Previously, Amien Rais had accused the team of trampling the legal world in Indonesia.

Where he accused the team of being formed for President Jokowi’s cawe-cawe in the 2024 presidential election.

“So the team for accelerating legal reform is actually insulting the elected president later because the president chosen by the people in 2024 will be asked to continue an Indonesia that tramples and messes up the legal world. So in other words, so that lawless Indonesia, a lawless Indonesia in the Jokowi era continues by the president chosen by the people later,” said Amien as seen in the video “PAK JOKOWI, STOP YOUR POLITICAL MANUVERS!” on the Amien Rais Official YouTube channel, Friday (2/6).

In a press conference held at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, as published on Facebook Tribunnews.com, Najwa Shihab firmly denied Amien Rais’ accusations regarding the Team for the Acceleration of Legal Reform.

This is because, said Najwa Shihab, the figures who joined the team are well known to the public as independent figures and often criticize government policies.

Najwa Shihab also asked Amien Rais to look again at the names that were members of the team.

If necessary, said the woman who is familiarly called Nana, her party would send a list of names who are members of the Team for the Acceleration of Legal Reform.

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“Maybe Pak Amien should send his names so he can see more clearly the people who are members,” he explained on Friday (9/6/2023).

Najwa Shihab did not deny that at the moment all officials are busy making preparations for the 2024 election.

However, said Najwa, this team will only work until December 2023 or before the election begins.

Najwa also explained that the team’s approach was to receive public input, not an institutional approach to state officials.

In addition, said Najwa, this team will remain independent because it is not paid by the Menkopolhukam Mahfud MD.

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