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Firm faith in development and riding the wind and waves to move forward——Comrades at the meeting talked about implementing the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference_Guangming.com

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 16, headline: Firm Confidence in Development and Braving Wind and Waves to Go Forward——Comrades at the meeting talked about the implementation of the spirit of the Central Conference on Economic Work

Xinhua News Agency reporters Ye Haoming and Zhao Wenjun

The Central Economic Work Conference was held in Beijing from December 15 to 16, during which General Secretary Xi Jinping gave an important speech. During the meeting, some of the participating comrades were interviewed by reporters from Xinhua News Agency, and they freely talked about their study and understanding of the spirit of the meeting and their work plans.

Everyone agreed that by listening to and studying General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, they deeply felt the hard-won achievements of economic work in 2022. They have a great understanding of the current economic situation, the past 5 years’ work and the big changes in the new era of 10 years and the future trend of China’s economic development. Understanding and understanding of the work has become clearer, the courage to overcome difficulties and move forward has been further improved, and the direction and goal of the work for the next step has been clarified.

Over the past year, in the face of the turbulent international environment and the arduous and arduous tasks of domestic reform, development and stability, the Central Committee of the Party with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has united and led the entire party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to address difficulties, coordinate domestic and international situations, and coordinate epidemic prevention and economic and social development, coordinated development and security, increase macro control efforts, and responded to the ‘impact of unforeseen factors, maintained the overall economy and social stability and achieved extremely difficult results.

“2022, which is about to pass, is extremely extraordinary and extraordinary. It is a year to carry on the past and usher in a new journey full of glory and dreams.” Wang Zhonglin, governor of Hubei Province, said that of faced with a complex situation, rare in the world and rare in history, the Central Committee of the Party with Comrade Xi Jinping at the center observes the general trend, sets the direction, adapts to the situation, opens up a new situation, unites and guides the whole party and people of all ethnic groups in the country to work hard, break new ground for the development of the cause of the party and the country, the comprehensive national strength has been further enhanced, and scientific and technological innovation has made great achievements With new achievements, the development of the party and the country will continue to write a new and wonderful chapter.

Hard-won achievements deserve to be cherished. At the same time, it should also be noted that the current basis for my country’s economic recovery is not yet solid, the triple pressure of demand contraction, supply shock and weakening expectations is still relatively large, and the environment outside is turbulent, which has deepened the impact on my country’s economy.

“Adhering to the party’s overall leadership on economic work is the fundamental guarantee for us to overcome all difficulties and obstacles in the face of complex international situations and arduous domestic reform and development tasks.” the past five to 10 years, we have achieved The achievements are demonstrated by iron facts. The overall leadership of the party is of decisive importance for us to do the economic work well. Adhere to the leadership of Xi Jinping’s economic thinking and form a strong fighting force under the leadership of the party – this is the key to my country’s current and future economic development, and the confidence and courage to overcome difficulties and work hard.

Stable expectations and firm self-confidence will be a good start for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

The meeting in-depth explained the general requirements and policy orientation of my country’s economic work next year, and laid the foundation for doing a good job in next year’s economic work.

“The meeting stressed that it is necessary to increase the regulation and control of macro-policy and strengthen the coordination and cooperation of various policies. Among them, a sound monetary policy must be precise and powerful, which places new demands on the role of political monetary policy.” Shang Fulin, director of the Economic Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, said, “Faced with the current complex international and domestic economic situation, monetary policy must maintain reasonable and sufficient liquidity, and at the same time the same time maintain the stability of the currency value and keep the RMB exchange rate basically stable at a reasonable and balanced level. This requires monetary policy to be coordinated and balanced with respect to multiple objectives. Implement policies to guide financial institutions to increase the support for small and micro enterprises, technological innovation, green development and other fields.

With strong measures and clear guidance, to do a good job in economic work next year, we must proceed from the overall strategy, start with improving social psychological expectations, and increase confidence in development and do a good job.

Last year, the Central Economic Work Conference elaborated on five important theoretical and practical issues, and this year, it further clarified some important issues in economic work, providing basic guidelines for achieving high-quality development.

“This year’s meeting stressed once again that development is our party’s top priority in governing and rejuvenating the country. This development is a high-quality development that implements the new development concept, and it is also the development we are constantly pursuing”. Wang Wentao, Minister of Commerce, said that the comprehensive implementation of the new development concept and the promotion of high-level opening up to the outside world, the promotion of thorough reform with the high-level opening up and promotion of building an open world economy are important ways to help my country achieve high-quality development in the future.

“The meeting made a thorough analysis and scientific judgment on the current economic situation, which not only allowed us to see the problems, but also found favorable conditions, felt the pressure and strengthened our confidence. Overall, opportunities outweigh challenges and hopes outweigh difficulties. We are full of confidence in next year’s development and the future.” Jilin Provincial Party Committee secretary Jing Junhai said that as long as the advantages and vitality of all aspects are truly stimulated, the general tone of the work of pursuing progress while maintaining stability is respected, and new development is implemented. comprehensively, accurately and comprehensively. The concept, to accelerate the construction of a new development model, will always be in an invincible position in the wave of stable economic and social development.

The comrades at the meeting unanimously declared that they should unite closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, work together and boldly move forward, strive to complete the goals and tasks of economic and social development, and contribute to comprehensively build a modern socialist country and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.new contribution.

责编:袁晴 ]

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