Home » today » Business » Firewood in Silesia. Prices in the season 2022. Chrust and self-made – what conditions must be met? How much are the raw materials

Firewood in Silesia. Prices in the season 2022. Chrust and self-made – what conditions must be met? How much are the raw materials

At what prices will we buy firewood in Silesian forest districts in the 2022 season? Could it be missing this year? These are very common questions that are asked today not only by the inhabitants of the Silesian Voivodeship, but also other regions of Poland. People who order wood from private suppliers have certainly noticed a drastic increase in prices per cubic meter of felled tree. In addition, they are terrified of the long waiting times for delivery, and some worry that the wood is missing and may not be able to stock up on firewood for the winter. The situation is completely different in the State Forests. – As every year, we have a specific pool of wood intended for retail sale. We carry out cutting down trees according to the plan – that is, as much as we can cut in a given year. We have an annual cut limit and we cannot exceed it – says Czesław Greń, a forester from the Katowice Forest District.

Common opinions that the prices of firewood have increased significantly this year do not apply to the State Forests, where only natural persons who want to buy wood for their own domestic use can apply for its collection. The State Forests do not sell firewood to companies that earn additional income from their trade.

High wood prices are therefore exactly what is ordered from private suppliers who buy it in non-state forests and then sell them at significantly inflated market prices. Along with the common opinion that firewood is more expensive this year, there is a perception that there will be either a shortage of it or a long wait for its delivery. As in the case of prices, this issue applies to companies that earn money by selling wood and buy it in the same forests, and more than once a season. With such an intensive extraction of wood from private forests, there may actually be no wood there or companies do not keep up with the implementation of tree felling.

The situation is completely different in the State Forests, where – according to the assurances of foresters – there is no shortage of firewood this year.

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