Home » today » News » Fires in Gironde. The fumes hover above the Gironde, including the metropolis of Bordeaux, do not call the firefighters

Fires in Gironde. The fumes hover above the Gironde, including the metropolis of Bordeaux, do not call the firefighters

The air is unbreathable in Gironde, as far as the Bordeaux metropolis and even the neighboring departments. Firefighters received thousands of calls overnight. Their standard is saturated because the smoke covered the Bordeaux metropolis, pushed by the winds. The gigantic fires continue south and west of Bordeaux.

The testimonies are multiplying on the networks, describing an acrid smell, an unbreathable air since 1 am.
In the Bordeaux metropolis, the smoke from the fires woke up the inhabitants. Many slept with the window open to gain a few degrees of freshness, because the heat was again present during the night.

“Woke up in the middle of the night by the strong smell of smoke in the Cestas house, windows closed! Fog of smoke outside.” says Audrey on Twitter.

“Last night I was awakened by these smells of smoke, we can still smell them this morning at #Bordeaux. It’s really freaking out” says this other resident.

The winds turned and carried the smoke from the gigantic fires further north, towards Bordeaux, but also Lot-et-Garonne, or even Périgord.

Firefighters are bombarded with calls to describe this phenomenon. But faced with saturation, the Gironde departmental council asks this morning not to try to join them.

Until now, the winds were pushing the smoke further south in the region, as far as the Pyrenees on Friday “with a significant impact in terms of feelings” says Julie Gault of Atmo Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

It will depend on the wind, it can be higher or lower in terms of concentration.

Julie Gault – ATMO New Aquitaine

WEB France 3 Aquitaine

The engineers specializing in air quality make another point in the morning, depending on the evolution of the weather to find out if these fumes can dissipate more or less quickly.

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