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Fire Wolves: Young Musicians with Rock History Knowledge and a Doctor in the Band

With only 24 years on average, the musicians of the group Fire Wolves know their rock history inside out. Another peculiarity, their guitarist and composer, Maxime, is in the eighth year of medicine. Can it be cured, doctor?

The Republican Lorrain – Today at 07:00

They are five: Stéphane on drums, François on bass, Marvin and Maxime on guitars and Lila on vocals. All are from Thionville. “With Stéphane, we’ve known each other forever,” laughs Maxime. “Normal, we are brothers,” laughs the youngest.

“We started with three 3 years ago with Lila. To finish at five today therefore, under the name Fire Wolves”, continues Stéphane, a law student. Lila is a school teacher, Marvin works at PSA, François is a dietitian and Maxime is in the eighth year of medicine.

It is he who takes care of the lyrics and music of the group, “rock influenced by groups like Scorpions, Bon Jovi or The Darkness. Of course, you can hear the guitars”, laughs the future doctor, who would drop his stethoscope without the slightest hesitation for a career in music. “It’s a childhood dream. »

An album recorded in Namur

Very recently, this other club of the five spent two weeks recording its first album, entitled Beyond the Storm , and not just anywhere, at the Noise Factory Studio, in Namur. A dozen songs, including a few ballads, like in the good old days of hard bands. If the compositions are still mostly signed Maxime, “everyone puts their paw on it”, he assures.

With this cake, the group hopes to find more concert dates. Because the stage is its raison d’être. “We will be on September 16 in Guénange, October 21 in Mondelange and November 24 in Marbache. That is the rhythm of one concert per month.

“There is still an audience for rock”

“It’s not easy to reconcile studies and music”, concede in chorus the two brothers. “But we believe in it, there is still an audience for rock, it affects so many generations, so many eras. And, whatever people say, we’ve never found a better way to kick your feet.

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