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Fire in Reykjavik, three Poles are dead

The horror in the capital of Iceland took place on June 25, but only now the embassy of Poland informed that the victims of the fire are Poles.

According to Icelandic media, mainly foreigners who came to Iceland for work lived in the building at Bræðraborgarstígur Street in Reykjavik. In addition to Poles, Latvians, Lithuanians and Romania lived there.

73 people lived in the building, according to the Fréttablaðið newspaper. Some had to complain in the past about the poor technical condition of the block. People living in the area told reporters that the house had not been renovated for many years.

A native of Romania, Andor Tibor Vasile told Icelandic public broadcaster, Radio Ríkisútvarpið, that he had lived in the block at Bræðraborgarstígur for six years. The 40-year-old miraculously survived the fire, but was hospitalized as a result of smoke poisoning. The fire took all his belongings. Vasile revealed that some time ago the tenants rebelled and refused to pay the rent because the owner of the building did not want to repair the plumbing, so 20 people had to use one bathroom and kitchen.

Reports of witnesses to the tragedy have appeared in the Icelandic media. They said some residents were jumping out of the windows to avoid dying in flames. As reported by the Polish ambassador Gerard Pokruszyński, three Polish citizens died as a result of the fire, two were hospitalized, and several people lost their belongings, including clothes, computers and documents.

The firefighting operation, in which 60 firefighters participated, was completed on Friday morning. Police initiated a fire investigation, one of the residents was arrested. He is a man whose apartment probably has a fire.

(“Fréttablaðið”, State Radio)

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Author: HS

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