Home » today » World » Fire in Attica: Androulakis asks for a discussion before the agenda – 2024-08-17 10:22:44

Fire in Attica: Androulakis asks for a discussion before the agenda – 2024-08-17 10:22:44

With his letter to the Speaker of the Parliament, Mr. Konstantinos Tasoula, Nikos Androulakis requests the holding of a pre-scheduled debate in the Parliament on the catastrophic fires in Attica, in accordance with article 143 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament.

“The Prime Minister can no longer hide behind the inadequacies of his ministers. The responsibility for the “staff” mess of his governments is solely and entirely his own. The time has come for him to explain to the Parliament and the Greek people”, the President of PaSoK notes, among other things, in his letter.

«The state apparatus proved to be unjustifiably unprepared again this year. The fire reached inside Athens, leading to loss of human life, destroying homes, businesses and burning one of Attica’s remaining green lungs.” underlines in his letter, pointing out the need for urgent changes in the civil protection system to make it functional and effective with the development of modern plans, which will respond to the new data of climate change.

The text of the letter Androulakis

“For one more year, our country was faced with devastating fires even a few kilometers from the center of Athens with a tragic outcome. One woman lost her life, tens of thousands of acres of burnt land, huge ecological disaster, loss of property for hundreds of our fellow citizens.

The big fires of the previous years, especially last year, where more than 1,747,730 acres were reduced to ashes with their devastating effects on the natural environment of the country and our fellow citizens proved to have taught nothing to the Government of the New Republic. The state apparatus proved to be unjustifiably unprepared again this year. The fire reached into Athens, leading to loss of life, destroying homes, businesses and burning one of the remaining green lungs of Attica, further burdening the quality of air and life in the closed city.

Climate change continues to be the alibi for the failures of the “staff” state of the New Democracy in the field of prevention, coordination and timely response to fires. However, the destruction of natural wealth, the loss of human lives, the risk of desertification of entire regions of the country such as Attica, and the destruction of private property cannot be a one-way street.

PASOK – Movement for Change has presented specific proposals for the reorganization of the forest firefighting system with new integrated and modern civil protection plans that will respond to the new data, which the government stubbornly refuses to evaluate.

In addition, we must ensure that the support of our affected fellow citizens, the restoration of the economic and social life of the affected areas as well as the full restoration of the natural environment will be done in terms of sustainability.

The Prime Minister can no longer hide behind the inadequacies of his ministers. The responsibility for the staff mess of his governments is solely and entirely his own. The time has come for him to explain to the Parliament and the Greek people.

For these reasons, we request, in accordance with article 143 of the Civil Code, that a debate be held immediately before the order of the day in the Plenary of the Parliament on the recent catastrophic fires, their consequences for the residents and the affected areas, the planning for the restoration of the economic and social of life in these areas, the absence of effective plans to prevent and deal with forest fires and the urgent changes to the civil protection system to make it functional and effective with the development of modern plans that will respond to the new data of climate change”.

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