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Fire Emblem Engage’s Nintendo NYC launch felt incredibly disappointing

The human element aside, the line began to move as the staff let people in in batches of about ten at a time. I’m starting to get excited, and couldn’t wait to see what the store had in store for Fire Emblem Engage’s somewhat divisive red and blue character design. So, casually moving towards the entrance to enter the store, I was somewhat dismayed by the complete lack of Fire Emblem on display.

Foto: James Milkie/Nintendo Live

After being flogged to death by the Fire Emblem character in the DLC Smash Bros. For years you’d think an Engage pitch would include a poster or booth, but Friday’s pitch was disappointingly abstract. Granted, all of the trademarked Pokemon Scarlet/Violet cost quite a bit of money, so there’s no need to ignore them, but there were no Engage screens anywhere, except for a kiosk showing off the game, when the game is idle on the battlefield. map, it’s not an especially attractive watch. Also, unlike the last six events, there were no banners, banners, or magnets for early adopters on display.

Foto: James Milkie/Nintendo Live

So, with no Engage-related merchandise or promotional material to entertain us, we chatted with some Fire Emblem fans in line about what made them roll out of bed on a Friday morning in winter New York City to get in line for get fire emblem .

NL: Hello, what’s your name?


What made you get out and queue this morning for Fire Emblem Engage?

I’ve been a Fire Emblem fan since Awakening. I visit New York, I used to live here, it’s the first time I’ve been back since [Nintendo NYC] It was Nintendo World so I thought the launch of Fire Emblem Engage was a good time to come and I’ve heard some exciting things about this game.”

Do you get the regular edition or the divine edition?

“I’m getting the divine edition.”

As a Fire Emblem fan, are you happy with the amount of support the franchise has received lately?

“I am. especially since i heard that [at the time] Awakening may be your last solution. i think smart [Systems] I didn’t expect it to explode after awakening, which is what prompted me to get involved, so I’m glad you figured out what happened, even if [Smash Bros. fans] You might think it’s too much. I’m here for that.”

EN: Good morning. Can you tell us your name?


Fire Emblem Engage NYC Launch
Oh my gosh, really… Foto: James Milkie/Nintendo Live

What made you get out of bed at 8:00 am to get in line at Nintendo NYC?

Since pre-orders sell out in stores, this is the only (first come, first serve) option to specifically get the Divine Edition. Of course, the new amiibo too [holds up a Marth amiibo]. «

[points at Eli’s Amiibo] Isn’t this a reissue?

In fact, it’s my first Fire Emblem amiibo.

How do you feel about the emergence of Fire Emblem as Nintendo’s flagship franchise?

“Suspect [the franchise] It kind of flopped when it came to Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn and with Ike, but I think more players and new players have come in because of Awakening, then Fates, Echoes, and Three Houses. Fire Emblem is now more popular, just like Mario and Pokemon. Pokemon are obviously more popular, but Fire Emblem, on the other hand, is gaining this level of popularity because of the DLC for Smash Bros. Ultimate. «

So regardless of whether Nintendo NYC equally rolls out the red carpet at every release, fans still have a lot of love for Nintendo’s strategy game. Now if Intelligent Systems and Nintendo could invest as much energy into their other strategic franchise, advanced warsStrategy game fans will be spoiled for choice.

Fire Emblem Engage NYC Launch
They also put these bags – Foto: James Milkie/Nintendo Live

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