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“Fire Breaks Out in Union City Building, Displacing Residents and Injuring Firefighters”

ana: we love that weaccompany.thick black smoke comes out of aapartment building in unioncity ​​while firefightersthey tried to contain the flameswhich started at dawn.just like the fireaffected street residentssurrounding.damaris: the fire broke outshortly before 5:00 a.m.here in this building of threeflats in unón city, located in19th street.we’ve been covered thisnews very earlyour 41 helicopter arrivedbefore the emergency can andwe have these images thatThey also show the effortsof the uniformed, wereseveral units thatemergency while theneighbors of the area, somewoke up, others followedsleeping and for everyone it was aBig surprise.luckily all histhey got out of this alivefire, several firefighters withouthowever if they were injuredafter inhaling large amountsof smoke and a resident of thebuilding suffered burns. toif the boss told usfire department.When people arrived, they were already there.evacuating, we managedget two people outthey were trapped in thebuilding, now we arecleaning everything is lowcontrol and let’s extinguishall hot spotssaid the head of the departmentcounty fire department.We also talked with neighborsof the area and we obtainedreactions.there are many people whothey were at risk, it was a bitfrightening.damaris: apart from affectingthese victims who sufferburns and firefightersthey were battling thefire and these did not speakis now under themedical care, allresidents of this buildingThey were left without a home andresidents of this sector orstill can’t crossthese roads that remainclosed, many of theroads in this sectorthey were completely closedthis morning and little by little they havebeen opening some of them,it is better to avoid this sector for19th street.and that’s all from me

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