Home » today » News » Fire Breaks Out at Tmb 1 Waste Disposal Plant in Malagrotta – Rome and Its Province

Fire Breaks Out at Tmb 1 Waste Disposal Plant in Malagrotta – Rome and Its Province

AGI – On fire the Tmb 1 of Malagrotta, the waste disposal plant for Rome and its province. The fire broke out at 3.30pm via di Malagrotta 257. The firefighters and Gos-Special Operational Group personnel intervened on site, with earth-moving vehicles. There are also some Local Police patrols to facilitate traffic and Civil Protection volunteers.

The fire hit the plant which had been spared from the huge fire of June 2022. The causes of what happened today are still being examined, investigations by the police. But those investigating do not rule out the act being malicious in nature.

On site, in addition to the agents of the Monteverde police station, also the firefighters and health workers of 118. The carabinieri of the Ponte Galeria station were informed. The flames were put out during the day thanks to the efforts of 40 firefighters and the use of 13 vehicles but now we have to deal with the smoke. It is no coincidence that the technicians of ARPA Lazio, the regional environmental protection agency of the region, have installed two samplers for monitoring air quality about 500 meters north-west and about 100 meters south-east from the point which the fire broke out in the Malagrotta waste plant.

“It is worrying, especially for those who live nearby and could breathe the particles arriving from the currents.” This was written in a post on social media by Mariagrazia M., a citizen who lives in Malagrotta, a few meters from the place where a fire broke out at 3pm this afternoon in the waste treatment plant in Rome and its province. Another woman, who immortalized the scene in a video, did not hide her fear: “There are very high flames”.

The flames started from a silo

From an initial examination carried out by the firefighters, the flames that broke out in the afternoon in the waste treatment plant of Rome and its province, in Malagrotta, started from a silo inside the Tmb1. The area has been cordoned off and made safe. There are no injuries.

The recommendations of the Civil Protection

As a precaution, the population present within a radius of one kilometer from the fire area is recommended to:
– do not stop near the area affected by the fire;
– keep windows closed in case of persistent and smelly fumes;
– do not use air conditioners at the moment;
– in case of emergency, contact the Single Emergency Number 112 or the 24-hour Operations Room of the Civil Protection of Rome Capital on the toll-free number 800 854 854 or on 06 67109200.

The presidents of Municipality XI and XII, situation under control

“As soon as we heard the news, together with the Capitoline councilor Sabrina Alfonsi and the general director of AMA Alessandro Filippi – declared the presidents of the XI and XII municipality, Gianluca Lanzi and Elio Tomassetti – we went to the Malagrotta plant. The fire that involved TMB 1, thanks to the intervention of the Fire Brigade, Civil Protection and Law Enforcement, is currently under control. However, the Civil Protection recommends keeping windows closed and not using air conditioners within 1 km. At 8.00 pm the Municipal Operations Center will open at the Civil Protection of Rome Capital and any further restrictions will be assessed”.

Alfonsi, Rome’s waste management at risk

“We are waiting to know the extent of the damage, although it seems certain that the plant will not be able to be operational for a long time to be determined. This is the second most important plant for the treatment of Rome’s waste, near which Ama delivers around 650 tons of waste every day, for a total of 200 thousand tons/year – said the councilor for Agriculture and Waste Cycle, Sabrina Alfonsi -. Certainly this is an event not without consequences on the regular carrying out of waste management activities, in a period in which production increases”.

“We immediately worked with the company to minimize the impact of this event, identifying alternative outlets to secure the disposal of waste in the coming days. Evaluations are also underway on any interventions to be adopted to safeguard the health of citizens “The Civil Protection Department of Rome Capital has already prepared a recommendation to keep the windows closed for homes within a radius of one kilometer from the fire – he added -. In the next few hours the operational committee with the civil protection will be convened and the bodies involved to define any further interventions that may be necessary”.

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2023-12-24 22:33:00

#Rome #Malagrotta #landfill #burns

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