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Fire, barbecue, fireworks and wish balloons are forbidden in Muğla!

At the meeting MuğlaStating that approximately 68 percent of the land area of ​​Turkey consists of forests, Governor Orhan Tavliof the region orman He emphasized that it is very important to protect the forest existence within the scope of the responsibility of leaving a habitable environment to future generations. Valli Orhan Tavlı stated that the risk of forest fires is very high with increasing air temperatures and that citizens should be sensitive and careful in this regard.

At the meeting; Due to the summer season and the holiday season, citizens are heavily mangalIt was stated that they burned samovar or stove, which caused an increase in fires. New measures were taken in addition to the previous measures.



The following statements were made in the decisions taken by the commission: “Places where barbecues, samovars and fires can be lit and prohibited for places that are located around 4 km of forest areas and may cause forest fires due to their proximity (including lands subject to private ownership) Provincial / district Forest Fires It was determined by the commissions.

According to this; Considering that forest fires may increase depending on seasonal or human factors due to extraordinary weather conditions that may occur in the coming days, in order to prevent forest fires that may occur until 31 October 2020;
Fethiye district (Aksazlar Bay C Type Recreation Area, Büyük Samanlık Bay C Type Recreation Area, Küçük Samanlık Bay C Type Recreation Area, Kuleli Bay C Type Recreation Area, Corrugated C Type Recreation Area and Katrancı Nature Park), Datça district (Hızırşah District Pirenlik C Type Recreation Area), Dalaman District (Kapıkargın (Sulfur) C Type Recreation Site, Sarsala Bay, Kille Bay and Kayacık Beach), Köyceğiz District (Kazancı Recreation Area, Kulakhacılar Recreation Area, Değirmenbaşı Recreation Area and Roundcay Recreation Area), Ortaca district (Yerbelen (GünlükPark) C Type Recreation Area, Dalyan Uzunbent C Type Recreation Area and Sarıgerme Municipality Picnic Area), Kavaklıdere District (Döşemetepe Recreation Area, Menteşe Recreation Area, Gökçukur Recreation Area and Yerküpe Recreation Area), Seydikemer District (Boğalar, Yayla Esenköy , Gerişburnu, Demirler and Yakabağ recreation areas) Milas district (Alatepe Recreation Area), Menteşe district (Yılanlı Yörük Forest Recreation Area), Marmaris district (Çubucak Forest Camp) barbecue, samovar and fire can be lit throughout the province recreation areas, natural parks and daily use areas.
It is prohibited to use barbecue, samovar and fire in all areas except these areas. “



“According to the 76th article of the Forest Law, it was stated that it is forbidden to light fires in the forests except for the places that are permitted and designated as a fireplace, and that the inspectors will not allow fires.

It was stated that in the forest areas and picnic areas permitted around the forest areas determined by the county forest fires fighting commissions (except the camping areas determined and announced beforehand in the forest areas), it was stated that no fire could be lit until 31 October 2020.

At the meeting, while it was decided to punish those who catch fire, it was decided to clear the weeds under the energy transmission lines.

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