Home » today » Health » Fire at Soroka hospital in Beersheba; patient found dead

Fire at Soroka hospital in Beersheba; patient found dead

A hospital patient was found dead early Wednesday morning after a fire broke out at Beersheba’s Soroka hospital.

Firefighters and Rescue Service Magen David Adom (MDA) said the fire started in a wing of the hospital that housed dozens of patients, who have been evacuated. Medical staff and a patient’s family were also evacuated from the building.

According to a statement, among the rescued were patients who were bedridden and connected to oxygen tanks.

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Firefighters said one of the patients had no vital signs when found.

A hospital statement said the man had been treated with oxygen, but did not provide further details.

The hospital said two other patients with respiratory illnesses inhaled smoke and were placed under observation in moderate condition.

The fire was later brought under control as MDA crews continued to search for other potentially trapped patients.

Firefighters have announced that a special investigation has been launched.

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