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Fire, 110 switchboard | Heavy fire in operating building on Kleive – around 20 households evacuated

It is burning in a larger farm building on a farm in Molde. All animals will be outside, but a large area with around 20 homes will be evacuated.

– There is a fire in a larger operating building on Kleive. All animals must be outside, there are several motorhomes and caravans in the building. All agencies on the way, tweets Møre og Romsdal 110 central.

According to VG there were five horses in the building, but they were rescued in good condition.

In connection with the fire, evacuation is now taking place in an area of ​​1,000 meters around the building. Among other things, cars and propane are stored in the building, which burns heavily, according to the police in Møre og Romsdal.

The fire service has moved out with eight cars, the 110 switchboard informs NRK. The police have called in reinforcements from Kristiansund, among other places.

– There is both propane and other material in the building that can explode. We fear that projectiles may then fly through the air, says operations manager Per Åge Ferstad to NRK.

– We are in full swing to call around and knock on doors. There are around 20 households that are being evacuated, he says.

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