Giorgia Meloni was the protagonist of a funny curtain during the last episode of Long live Radio 2 conducted by Fiorello: The popular comedian called an imitator of the premierabsolutely perfect in the part because in reality apparently it was her.
The self-imitation of Giorgia Meloni
Fiorello succeeded in another discreet feat: he made Giorgia Meloni imitate Giorgia Meloni. The exchange took place live, with the conductor who told the public and colleagues that he wanted to call an imitator of the premier.
Right from the start, however, it was clear that it was something else: the tone of voice was absolutely identical and in fact for many on the phone there was just the leader of Brothers of Italypersonally linked to the Italian showman.
Then followed some jokes from the prime minister-imitator, including one that rehashed the phrase “I am a woman, I am a mother, I am a Christian” went viral some time ago thanks to a series of memes and remixes spread on the net.
The jokes about Chiara Ferragni and Elly Schlein
During the curtain, Fiorello asked the alleged imitator to repeat the joke that Giorgia Meloni made during the CGIL congress: “I also want to thank those who contest me – he repeats during Viva Radio 2 – even with effective slogans”.
Then the jab: “I read from the agencies’Think yourself unwelcome‘ – reference to the outfit worn by the influencer during the last San Remo festival – effective slogans though I didn’t know that Ferragni was a metalworker“.
Fiorello then closed by asking who the fake Giorgia had voted for: “No, I’m on the left,” he said. The host then persisted and asked who would vote among Stefano Bonaccini ed Elly Schlein and the answer was not long in coming: “Eh, ask yourself a question and give yourself an answer”.
Finally, when he asked her if she could also imitate someone else, such as Elly Schlein, the “imitator” of Giorgia Meloni, she declared: “No, I can only do Giorgia Meloni“.
The link between Prime Minister Meloni and Fiorello
What makes it plausible that the one who spoke on Viva Radio 2 was the real Giorgia Meloni is the link between the current prime minister and Fiorello Rosary. Indeed, it is known that in her youth the woman who leads the Italian government today was daughter’s babysitter of the showman.
Fiorello has repeatedly told of the period in which Meloni took care of his and her daughter Susanna Biondo, Olivia: “She was a great nanny. She read the books, she was really good at it,” she said in interviews over the past few months, released after the controversy over bringing the G20 in Bali the daughter Guinevere.
On that occasion, Fiorello had offered to lend her a hand: “To repay everything you’ve done for me, I come there, I get three euros an hour and I’m a nanny in Geneva when you go around” he said, running as a “deputy”.
Photo source: IPA