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Finland Prime Minister Orpo Accuses Russia of Hybrid Attacks through Refugee Influx

Finland Prime Minister Orpo Accuses Russia of Hybrid Attacks through Refugee Influx

HARDE ANKLAGER: Finland’s prime minister under a press brief in Helsinki, November 22. Photo: LEHTIKUVA / Reuters / NTB

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo believes the flow of refugees from Russia threatens Finland’s national security. On Friday, only three migrants passed the remaining open border crossing.


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Finland’s Prime Minister Petteri Orpo believes the flow of refugees from Russia threatens national securityFinland closes eight of nine border crossings to RussiaThe government suspects that the increased influx of asylum seekers is Russian revenge for the country becoming a member of NATOLatvia and Estonia are experiencing an increased influx of refugees from Belarus and point to Russia and Belarus as promotersFinland is criticized for endangering the right to seek asylumNorway is ready to take measures at the Norwegian border with Russia if necessaryShow more

– We want to send a clear message to Russia: This must stop.

This is what Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo says on Friday, after stating that an unusually high proportion of asylum seekers have crossed the border from the Russian side.

Last week it was announced that four of the country’s nine border crossings to Russia will be closed until 18 February next year. A week later, only one border crossing is open – the Raja-Jooseppi border, located in the north of the country.

More than 800 refugees have arrived at the border with Finland via Russia in recent weeks, according to Reuters. They are from countries such as Yemen, Afghanistan, Kenya, Morocco, Pakistan, Somalia and Syria.

BORDER: On Tuesday, Finnish border police escorted refugees after arriving at the Vartius crossing from Russia. Photo: JANNE KURONEN / EPA / NTB

Finnish authorities believe the refugee flow is Russian revenge for the country’s recent membership of NATO.

– This is a question of hybrid attacks, and a question of national security, says the Prime Minister.

The government also decided on Friday that people arriving from Russia without the necessary documents must stay in monitored centers until they have had their identity confirmed.

Interior Minister Mari Rantanen says it may be appropriate to close Raja-Jooseppi as well, if necessary.

Accusations from Estonia and Latvia

At the same time, Latvia is experiencing an increased influx of refugees from Belarus. Like Estonia, they point to Russia and Belarus as driving forces.

– We must understand that these are not just asylum seekers. This is a hybrid attack from Russia and Belarus, says Latvian Prime Minister Evika Silina.

OUT TO RUSSIA: Finland and Latvia’s prime ministers met on Friday for a joint press conference in Helsinki. Photo: LEHTIKUVA / Reuters / NTB

The Russian authorities have denied the accusations, and the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes that the closure of border crossings is an expression of “new dividing lines in Europe”

President Putin’s spokesperson has also accused Finland of “Russophobia Russophobia – It seems to be organized and seems to continue, concluded Orpo.”.

Concerned about the right to asylum

On Friday, however, only three immigrants came across Raja-Jooseppi, according to Finnish Helsingin Sanomat (HS). These were from Yemen – and only one of them is said to have submitted an application for asylum when they arrived at the border.

Axel Rännäli from the Finnish border authorities says on Friday that asylum seekers probably come in small groups, and that the border situation may change during the weekend. According to HS, there were more guards than normal at the border on Friday, and they also receive assistance from the Armed Forces and the police.

It is also expected that the EU will contribute to the guarding along the 1,340 kilometer long border between Finland and Russia from next week, to ensure that no one tries to enter Finland outside the border crossings.

The decision to keep only the northernmost border crossing open, where temperatures on Friday were around minus 14 degrees, has caused reactions.

Finland’s ombudsman for discrimination is concerned that the authorities are jeopardizing the right to seek asylum if you do not have real and effective access to the process.

– Through international agreements, Finland is obliged to safeguard the right to seek asylum in all situations. The right to seek asylum, the ban on forced return and the ban on mass deportation are central principles in EU law and the Finnish legal order, writes the ombudsman’s office on X.

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the Finnish parliament passed an amendment to the Border Guard Act. Among other things, the change means that they can temporarily close border crossings and introduce restrictions on passages and applications.

of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights at the time asked Finland’s then interior minister to ensure that the changes would not lead to human rights violations.

AT THE BORDER: Migrants at the Finnish border on Tuesday. Photo: LEHTIKUVA / Reuters / NTB

Russia also borders Norway in Finnmark, and the nearly 20-mile-long border is monitored by both countries.

Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) says on Friday that there are currently no abnormal conditions on the Norwegian border with Russia, but that Norway is ready to take measures at the border if the situation changes.

According to Karen-Anna Eggen from the Norwegian Defense Academy, Russia also benefits greatly from allowing migrants to travel to Norway:

– At the same time, Russia can benefit from closing all border crossings to Europe at some point. Finnish analyzes point, among other things, to Russia’s need for greater mobilization next year and that it may then be useful to have closed borders so that people do not flee, as millions of Russians did last time.


Published: 25.11.23 at 01:59

Updated: 25.11.23 at 02:11

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2023-11-25 00:59:46
#Finland #hard #Russia #stop

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